Politics& Party, Trump #MeToo

HedonistForever's Avatar

It’s hard to say, but Trump Hillary is worse than sexual-assault allegations against Biden Trump

In case the colors confuse the dim-witted, my words are in Blue. Did a little word substitution there ( I thought there was a way to draw a line through a word which I could do on the other board I was on but don't see that option here ) to point out how easy it would be for the other party to make the same statement which is exactly what I did in voting for Trump knowing of the sexual allegations against him but you see then, that made me a monster that I would vote for the lesser of two evils in my opinion. I mean, after all, hadn't we been shown the moral superiority of the era of Obama when Michelle told us "when they go low, we go high". That Democrats possessed the moral high ground. And what ever happened to "believe all women" during the Kavanaugh hearings when actual evidence didn't really matter, if a woman says she was sexually assaulted then by GOD we had to believe her but that wasn't true in the Clinton administration, it was true during the Trump administration and now we are back to it doesn't matter when a Democrat is again up for election.

What a Progressive world we live in, right?

So here is Miami's most popular radical left columnist giving his opinion but at least he knows he is being a hypocrite but there are more important things to consider now that his candidate is being accused of what he condemned Trump for.

“Say it ain’t so, Joe!”
Surely, some variation of that plea rose from a million lips last week. And Joe Biden complied. His presidential campaign forcefully denied the account of a California woman who says Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 when she worked in his Senate office.

As reported by The Washington Post and The New York Times, Tara Reade says Biden pinned her against a wall, put his hand under her skirt and penetrated her with his fingers.

“It is untrue,” said Biden spokeswoman Kate Bedingfield. “This absolutely did not happen.”

Remind me again, did that carry any weight with Progressives during the Kavanaugh hearings?

Perhaps your instinct is to believe her. After all, for all his famously handsy ways, Biden comes across more as a genial back slapper than a sexual predator. Then again, Bill Cosby came across as fatherly, Matt Lauer as a straight arrow, and we all know how those tales came out.
We won’t be getting into the weeds on this, except to note that, as is generally the case with alleged incidents like this, it is possible to find Reid’s account either credible or dubious depending on which pieces of the available evidence one chooses to give weight to. But it’s worth noting that the evidence Christine Blasey Ford brought against eventual Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was also frustratingly inconclusive.

And many of us certainly had no trouble believing her.

I remember quite vividly "all women must be believed regardless of no evidence to support the allegation, it doesn't matter" they said.

To believe Reade, however, is to raise a difficult question — at least for the political left: What do you do with that belief? What does it change?

I believe I asked myself that same question and was excureated for it.

Very little, apparently. Biden’s campaign has moved on from her accusations unscathed, picking up endorsements from Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. The people who told us to “believe women”when they allege sexual assault have been conspicuously quiet.

A Nexis search Thursday for Reade’s name found that it had appeared in U.S. newspapers only 50 times in the previous week — and 12 of those were in The Post and The Times.

Funny that Pitts went to the trouble of finding out how many times Reades name was mentioned in the MSM but didn't tell us in how many of those times, the MSM suggested that she be believed or that she shouldn't and he also didn't give us a comparison to the number of times Christine Blassey Fords name was mentioned which I believe was well over 500 with most if not all suggesting that she should be believed as if the future of criminal justice depended on it.

Yes, this lack of attention is surely due in part to the fact that there’s a bigger story unfolding just now. But it’s hard not to suspect it also reflects a tacit decision to whistle past this particular graveyard. And it says something about these strange and fractured times that this may have been the smartest, and ultimately, even the most moral, choice.

But is he really, really torn? Stay tuned

Consider that this fall, for surely the first time in history, both candidates for president will be men alleged to have committed sexual assault. Biden has been accused by one woman. Trump stands accused by about a dozen who say he groped their breasts and backsides and kissed them without permission. One says he raped her. In a notorious video, Trump bragged of sexually assaulting women. “When you’re a star, they let you do it,” he said.

Just a boast says Trump, just locker room braggadocio!

This is not to mention

Oh but he is going to anyway because he can't help himself

his other awfulness, his stupidity, coarseness, narcissism, pettiness, lies, corruption and an incompetence that has helped unleash a deadly pandemic.

You knew that was coming sooner or later, right?

Small wonder many of us consider Trump’s re-election incompatible with national survival.

Our national survival folks because if Biden isn't elected WE WILL NOT SURVIVE 4 MORE YEARS OF TRUMP. Talk about hyperbole.

If Reade were sacrificed to the cause of preventing that, it would be painful and unfair, yet arguably defensible.

BOOM! and there you have it! #MeToo wil have to be sacrificed on the alter of politics and party.

Because if there are two evils here, Biden is much the lesser.

Same rational I used voting for Trump.

But let us at least admit, if only in the silence of individual conscience, that this is the calculation we’ve made, the terrible choice forced upon us by the exigencies of a fraught moment. We live now in paradox and emergency where, Heaven help us, principle may have become a luxury too costly to afford.

So yes, Joe Biden stands accused of sexual assault and that’s truly appalling.


Vote Joe Biden for president.

Hotrod511's Avatar
Fuck Joe Biden
HedonistForever's Avatar
Fuck Joe Biden Originally Posted by Hotrod511

A quick, no nonsense critique! I like it!
  • oeb11
  • 04-19-2020, 02:47 PM
HF - Thank you for outlining - Point by Point - Leonard Pitts flagrant Hypocrisy.

Fuck Leonard Pitts!!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Fuck Joe Biden Originally Posted by Hotrod511

Joe Biden's ass is gonna get fucked by the dem 3 stooges.
HedonistForever's Avatar
HF - Thank you for outlining - Point by Point - Leonard Pitts flagrant Hypocrisy.

Fuck Leonard Pitts!!!! Originally Posted by oeb11

And he had the balls to say he wasn't going to apologize for being a hypocrite!
lustylad's Avatar
So lemme get this straight....

The dems are going to nominate, as their Presidential candidate, a guy who by all accounts is:




Did I leave anything out??
  • oeb11
  • 04-20-2020, 08:35 AM
4. Supports all the "Progressive Agenda " - despite not comprehending what it is.

As he paraphrases Pelosi - "You must vote for me and elect me to find out what is in the DPST platform!"
So lemme get this straight....

The dems are going to nominate, as their Presidential candidate, a guy who by all accounts is:




Did I leave anything out?? Originally Posted by lustylad
You forgot senile.