Brett Giroir, Trump’s testing czar, was forced out of a job developing vaccine projects. Now he’s on the hot seat.

Jaxson66's Avatar
Brett Giroir, the federal official overseeing coronavirus testing efforts, says that his experience working on vaccine development projects at Texas A&M University helped prepare him for this historic moment. He once said that his vaccine effort was so vital that “the fate of 50 million people will rely on us getting this done.”

But after eight years of work on several vaccine projects, Giroir was told in 2015 he had 30 minutes to resign or he would be fired. His annual performance evaluation at Texas A&M, the local newspaper reported, said he was “more interested in promoting yourself” than the health science center where he worked. He got low marks on being a “team player.”

Now President Trump has given Giroir the crucial task of ending the massive shortfall of tests for the novel coronavirus. Some governors have blasted the lack of federal help on testing, which they say is necessary to enact Trump’s plan for reopening the economy.

The great leader only surrounds himself with the best.
  • oeb11
  • 04-20-2020, 10:31 AM
Dr. Giroir was forced out by new President Williams in a political turnover.

j-66- you lack any constructive criticism of the performance of Dr. Giroir in his position

ADM Brett P. Giroir, M.D.


Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH)

HHS Office of the Secretary

ADM Brett P. Giroir, M.D., was sworn in as the 16th Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on February 15, 2018. The Assistant Secretary for Health leads development of HHS-wide public health policy recommendations and oversees several of the Department’s core public health offices — including the Office of the Surgeon General. His office leads many critical national initiatives, including an historic new plan to end the HIV Epidemic in America, the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, the revised Common Rule and a cross-agency effort to improve the outcomes of patients living with sickle cell disease.
In addition, ADM Giroir serves as Senior Adviser to the Secretary for Opioid Policy, responsible for coordinating HHS’s efforts across the Administration to fight America's opioid crisis.
ADM Giroir is a pediatric critical care specialist and physician-scientist, who has served in a number of leadership positions in the federal government as well as academia.
He was executive vice president and CEO of Texas A&M's Health Science Center from 2013-2015, and professor of pediatrics and engineering, having earlier served as vice chancellor of strategic initiatives (2011-2013) and vice chancellor for research (2008-2011) for the Texas A&M University system. Prior, he was professor of pediatrics and endowed chair at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center from 1993-2003, and was the first chief medical officer of Children's Medical Center of Dallas (now Children's Health).
ADM Giroir’s federal service includes directing the Defense Sciences Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) from 2006-2008. He joined the office in 2004 as deputy director, and also served on the Department of Defense’s Threat Reduction Advisory Committee both during his tenure at DARPA and thereafter. From 2014-2015, he chaired the Veteran’s Choice Act Blue Ribbon Panel to reform the U.S. Veterans Health System.
ADM Giroir has authored or co-authored more than 100 scientific publications, editorials and book chapters. He is the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including the U.S. Secretary of Defense Medal for Outstanding Public Service, the American Heart Association’s President Lyndon Baines Johnson Research Award, and the American Society of Nephrology’s President’s Medal. ADM Giroir was the nation’s high school debate champion in 1978. He received a bachelor’s degree in biology, magna cum laude, from Harvard University, and a medical degree from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.

And how does Ur CV compare j66- who knows only WaPo narrative propaganda.

What a fool!!!

BTW - because j66 knows not what is a CV - it is Curriculum vitae - I would not expect poor j66 to find that in his WaPo narratives.
Another Jaxsoff247 thread.

Game, set, match oeb. Again.
  • oeb11
  • 04-20-2020, 02:02 PM
G- Thank you good Sir!
Unfortunately - J66 and ilk are like "whack a mole" - refute one lie with facts - they just pop back with more lies from their Fascist LSM propaganda!!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Awww, what’s wrong little trumpy....are you tiring of defending the total incompetence of the great leader. So tell me when the great leaders man is going to announce that testing is available for all like the great leader implied last month. Let me answer that for you...never!

The great leader was promoting the tremendous new testing machine built by Abbott today in his infomercial but he left out a important fact. The tremendous machine can only complete 89 tests a day.

The great leader also mentioned that oil will be doing great in thirty days, I doubt that because his good buddies Putin and the Killer King haven’t finished reaming his fat incompetent ass out.

All hail the great leader with the loose sphincter
Jaxson66's Avatar
Another Jaxsoff247 thread.

Game, set, match oeb. Again. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Aww, here’s another trumpy who sees that the end is near for his great leader. People are saying the great leaders disapproval polls are reaching so high certain defeat is on the horizon in November for the chosen one.

Save me the Clinton bullshit...nadfly
  • oeb11
  • 04-20-2020, 06:41 PM
Awww- what's the problem - little Fascist DPST j66
Cannot deal with "FACTS" - not understanding anything at all due to TDS
Get some professional help - soon.

Learn to contribute something besides WaPo propaganda, scatology, and name-calling.

J66 does not have the ability to shine Adm. Giroir's shoes!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Well, I certainly possess the ability to shine shoes but I lack the desire to do so, but I suspect you would have no problem shining the shoes of the great leader with your tongue while he is still wearing the shoes fresh from stepping in dog shit.

Living in complete admiration of the great leader is a pitiful way to spend my golden years...but it must be working for some.
Well, I certainly possess the ability to shine shoes but I lack the desire to do so, but I suspect you would have no problem shining the shoes of the great leader with your tongue while he is still wearing the shoes fresh from stepping in dog shit.

Living in complete admiration of the great leader is a pitiful way to spend my golden years...but it must be working for some. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Speaking of complete admiration, you seem upset that another one of your worshipped at the altar WAPO sensationalist lying piece of shit stories was shown to be just that again.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Speaking of complete admiration, you seem upset that another one of your worshipped at the altar WAPO sensationalist lying piece of shit stories was shown to be just that again. Originally Posted by eccielover
Awww, another boot licker has to chime in.

I’d can’t sit and banter with you this am, I got to get to Lowe’s and try the new curb service and pick up my new grill cover.

Would you tip or not? I’m thinking a few bucks from the scraps the great leader’s biggest bailout in History should be put back into the Texas economy. So I’m gonna tip a few bucks.
every time theres a new school district superintendent, the school district's and the teacher's insurance contracts always go to a new guy

and in south texas, its often to the wife's uncle's brother -in-law, just far enough removed to have a pretense
  • oeb11
  • 04-21-2020, 09:26 AM
Awww, another boot licker has to chime in.

I’d can’t sit and banter with you this am, I got to get to Lowe’s and try the new curb service and pick up my new grill cover.

Would you tip or not? I’m thinking a few bucks from the scraps the great leader’s biggest bailout in History should be put back into the Texas economy. So I’m gonna tip a few bucks. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

deflection ignoring the issue j666 started, denial, and here goes the OP - cannot respondin a cogent or constructive way to criticism of the WaPo smear piece he posted - cannot deal with 'FACTS" - as usual
And then brags about wanting to go out to harvest Federal dollars he" think s" he/sge/it is entitled to as a socialist -totalitarian !!!