Oil prices sinking. Temporary ban on immigration. The winning never stops!

Could you imagine what Obama, Biden, Hillary or Bernie would've done at a time like this? Good thing we have our President. He even rawdogs porn stars! I mean, how much more awesome can he get? Shit, Trump probably posts on here.

Can I get some toilet paper in addition the stimulus check?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Could you imagine what Obama, Biden, Hillary or Bernie would've done at a time like this? Good thing we have our President. He even rawdogs porn stars! I mean, how much more awesome can he get? Shit, Trump probably posts on here.

Can I get some toilet paper in addition the stimulus check? Originally Posted by Turd Ferguson ATX

Put Donald Trump on Mount Rushmore

Jason Baumgardner started this petition to Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market St, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103 Twitter

It's time to recognize that Donald J Trump is the greatest president in the History of the United States and needs to memorialized for all time with Lincoln, Roosevelt, Washington and Jefferson. By adding Donald J Trump to the memorial it will give our country the opportunity to come together behind this great president and finally say no to the propaganda machine of Network News and Main Stream Media networks, that have spread a false narrative to undermine the freedoms of the American people. Help me make a statement to the world be signing my petition.


vote early and often!!

BAHHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Why don't we imagine what the afore mentioned assholes would do? Hillary can't be bothered by terrorist attacks or woken up (kind of like Hitler on D Day). She is up to looting a country or the White House.
Obama would use his time to go raise money for the democrats or pilfer government funds like the bailout package in 2009.
Bernie, good communist that he is, would personally apologise for Americans believing the Wuhan virus came from some place other than China. He would then load pallets of money onto an aircraft carrier for delivery to China.
Biden...well Joe would only know what they told him and they hadn't told him yet...come on man! The Chinese are no competition to us.
  • oeb11
  • 04-21-2020, 09:12 AM
Good post - TRBC!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the oil prices are unreal.

thanx to the oil war between russian and saudi arabia.

the producers are paying people to take their oil as they don't have any space to store them.

oil producers will have to stop producing for awhile. there's no demand for it.

peak oil??? what peak oil???? lol!

anti-oil people (watermelon gang) are going to need a new spin how we're gonna run out of oil... so as to goto renewables.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Can I get some toilet paper in addition the stimulus check?
I’ve got 236 rolls (don’t ask). Where would you like to start the bidding?

Biden...well Joe would only know what they told him and they hadn't told him yet...come on man! The Chinese are no competition to us.
Look, Fat, you’re fulla shit. Don’t make my get my AR-14.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Trump promised to prop up prices.. how are you winning?

the contago was historical yesterday.. I took a pic of the TV screen showing the price of oil at -$38.30.. we are living in interesting times.
I’ve got 236 rolls (don’t ask). Where would you like to start the bidding?

... Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

I was with my wife at Costco when she insisted on buying a 50 lb bag of rice. That was a month ago and we've used only a pound. A couple of days ago I found ANOTHER 50 lb of rice. She said the first one was no good because it was "GMO." WTF!?!! So now I have 90 lbs of rice I'll never use in this lifetime.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
This wouldn't have happened under . . .

Obama, Biden, Hillary or Bernie Originally Posted by Turd Ferguson ATX
you fuckin' returd. Three years in and he's been impeached forever, as the Speaker says, the economy is in ruins, tens of thousands continue to die because if his super ego carelessness and America has lost total respect among real world leaders. God damn you fuckin' guys are sycophants.

eccieuser9500's Avatar

I was with my wife at Costco when she insisted on buying a 50 lb bag of rice. That was a month ago and we've used only a pound. A couple of days ago I found ANOTHER 50 lb of rice. She said the first one was no good because it was "GMO." WTF!?!! So now I have 90 lbs of rice I'll never use in this lifetime. Originally Posted by gnadfly
But still- Mount Rushmore right?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You can tell when the Right starts running out of crap to make up. They just come up with asinine tripe such as this thread. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Fixed that for you.

HoeHummer's Avatar
I suspect the world outside of ECCIE May view Trumps accomplishments more along the lines of 9500 rather than The three or four who want him on the side of a mountain.

Yous think Trump has ever seen a mountain?

At least we now know gnad has seen a mountain ... of rice!
Jacuzzme's Avatar

I was with my wife at Costco when she insisted on buying a 50 lb bag of rice. That was a month ago and we've used only a pound. A couple of days ago I found ANOTHER 50 lb of rice. She said the first one was no good because it was "GMO." WTF!?!! So now I have 90 lbs of rice I'll never use in this lifetime. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You could make up small bags and sell them at weddings.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Could you imagine what Obama, Biden, Hillary or Bernie would've done at a time like this? Good thing we have our President. He even rawdogs porn stars! I mean, how much more awesome can he get? Shit, Trump probably posts on here.

Can I get some toilet paper in addition the stimulus check? Originally Posted by Turd Ferguson ATX
You failed to mention how the great leader will ban green card immigrants from work. That leaves all those housekeeping jobs, landscaping jobs, janitorial jobs, and fruit picking jobs open for the oil patch roughnecks.

All hail the great leader, eh?
Jaxson66's Avatar

I was with my wife at Costco when she insisted on buying a 50 lb bag of rice. That was a month ago and we've used only a pound. A couple of days ago I found ANOTHER 50 lb of rice. She said the first one was no good because it was "GMO." WTF!?!! So now I have 90 lbs of rice I'll never use in this lifetime. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Easily resolved, donate a bag to the local food bank, or is that to liberal for you?