US Representative Dan Crenshaw and Bill Maher Discussion.

This was a real informative discussion. Representative Crenshaw laid out his facts while answering Maher’s question in a very concise and professional manner.

Maher can’t believe that Crenshaw supports the President. Crenshaw explained that he is results oriented, and President Trump gets results.

One striking thing about this exchange was how ineffective Maher was when his obnoxious audience is not there to applaud anything liberal and boo anything conservative. He looked like a fish out of water.

Crenshaw is definitely becoming a star in Republican Politics. He is smart. It would not surprise me to see Ted Cruz step down in 4 years and have Crenshaw run for that Senate seat. Then.........
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That was an education, not a discussion. Crenshaw is awesome.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
shows how easy it is to debunk the leftanistas with facts. who knew??

debunking is the easy part

its getting them to quit lying that's the hard part

and its the getting them to think and have common sense and see that there is no need to maintain pretense so as to seek approval from others who are also trapped in seeking approval from people who are wrong but hold some sort of power and so on
  • oeb11
  • 04-21-2020, 04:18 PM
none so blind as will not See!!!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Looks like Crenshaw was only there to spew Trump talking points.

Sounds like a male version of Kellyannes.

He didn’t address any of Trump’s lies and misinformation’s None. Just motormouthed the party line.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Looks like Crenshaw was only there to cite Trump facts.

Sounds like a male version of Kellyannes.

He didn’t address any of Trump’s lies and misinformation’s None. Just motormouthed the party line. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

FTFY sparky

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Looks like Crenshaw was only there to spew Trump talking points.

Sounds like a male version of Kellyannes.

He didn’t address any of Trump’s lies and misinformation’s None. Just motormouthed the party line. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
HedonistForever's Avatar

This was a real informative discussion. Representative Crenshaw laid out his facts while answering Maher’s question in a very concise and professional manner.

Maher can’t believe that Crenshaw supports the President. Crenshaw explained that he is results oriented, and President Trump gets results.

One striking thing about this exchange was how ineffective Maher was when his obnoxious audience is not there to applaud anything liberal and boo anything conservative. He looked like a fish out of water.

Crenshaw is definitely becoming a star in Republican Politics. He is smart. It would not surprise me to see Ted Cruz step down in 4 years and have Crenshaw run for that Senate seat. Then......... Originally Posted by Jackie S

And notice how Maher had to refer to his notes while Crenshaw talked on the fly. All Maher could do was give us quotes from Trump, the ones the mirrored what the rest of the MSM was saying at the time but do you think Maher reported that? So while Maher was reading what Trump was saying and granted there were some ill-advised comments, Crenshaw was talking about what Trump was doing and since he was in Congress, knew exactly what proposals were being put on the table, something Maher had no knowledge of.

If we only had a Congress of leaders like Crenshaw, just imagine what a country we could be.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
One striking thing about this exchange was how ineffective Maher was when his obnoxious audience is not there to applaud anything liberal and boo anything conservative. He looked like a fish out of water. Originally Posted by Jackie S

maher's audience didn't boo crenshaw???? i'm shocked!
There was no studio audience.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed will be king.