trueblood fans..17 days to go!

I'm so excited I am thinking about hosting a party! Who's interested?
NawtyNatalie has me addicted to that show right along with her....
At first I thought it was weird but now I'm looking forward to Sundays at 8:00
We would come
OH NO, Top Gear (the *real* one) also starts that night!!! What to do? What to do?!?!?!?!
Are you two in Austin? I would be happy to host! We can drool over the hotties together.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
LOOOVE that show Lafayette is my favorite
Are you two in Austin? I would be happy to host! We can drool over the hotties together. Originally Posted by Guest 061511-2
I am, kinda.
Enough interest and consider it a party at my place!
runswithscissors's Avatar
I just finished season three on the dvd box set... I now spend five months of the year living in Europe and 7 months in Austin and I cannot get addicted to any series shows, so I have to make a movie marthon week and watch the entire season.

Love the books, love the show; Pam is my all time favorite character..

I am curious to try ordering a case of Trublood, I think it would be fun!

Glad to be back in Austin!
txAustin202's Avatar
Mine too. Oops I think I just outed myself as a fan.

LOOOVE that show Lafayette is my favorite Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
NipLover's Avatar
BB, I just got back into town and saw this. I would love a watch party for True Blood. I will even bring my True Blood coffee mug for drinking what else but True Blood!
Yay!! Pm me, lets talk. I have to step out of my "office" for a bit then I will be back online
  • Haley
  • 06-15-2011, 03:45 PM
Oh great idea Britt!
True Blood is one of my favorite shows of all time.
A watch party would be great.