advertising politics and Mr. Musk

VitaMan's Avatar
Advertisers don't place ads where it doesn't help their business, image, or declared values. Yet Mr. Musk seems to be getting it wrong in what he states below. And this does not seem to fit any definition of blackmail. It is Mr. Musk who would be killing the company. If it were a public company, the old "Mr. Musk wanted to spend more time with his family" exit method would already have been applied.

"Mr. Musk has vehemently called out Disney and other companies like Coca Cola and Apple, which pulled their advertising from X in recent weeks."

"If somebody is going to try to blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money, go f*** yourself," he said. "Is that clear? I hope it is. Hey, Bob."

"What it’s going to do is it’s going to kill the company," he said. "And the whole world will know the advertisers killed the company."
eyecu2's Avatar
It's like saying Good morning to the sun, and then FUCK YOU, I hate you and your vitamin D. Then dying from rickets. It's the proverbial cutting off one's nose despite ones face. I wouldn't at all be surprised if that lack of support migrates over into other businesses that Musk has any interest in. Advertisers are funny like that.
Precious_b's Avatar
Ol' Elon made a big boy move when he bought twitter since he didn't like what they said or restricted what he said.

Now that you own it, if you want to run it how you see fit, do it with your own dime. Don't cry if you got your hand out pandering and they won't give you $$$ because what you say.

Just because you own something doesn't mean you can say anything and still get paid.
Ripmany's Avatar
There add on eccie, there will add on x.