Have you ever met a provider/client and ended up wishing you hadn't?

Have you ever met someone who you hit it off with so well that it made you feel like it may be best if you’d never met them at all?

Since the beginning of my hobby journey, I have met some wonderful people. I have gained friends who will remain friends long after I have disappeared from this realm, and I truly cherish every single experience I’ve had. But, there have been a few times when I’ve been swept off my feet only to feel a slight “thud” when the date is over and my stilettos hit the grounds of here and now. I'm not referring to falling in love or crossing boundaries. I'm talking about the transition from one reality to the next, then back again (if that makes sense, lol). Anyone else ever feel this?
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-27-2012, 11:29 AM
Yep, down in San Antonio. Me and one very sweet provider just clicked.
burkalini's Avatar
Yea the one I spent a whole year with. Wish I had never met her. What's the old saying? NEVER AGAIN
Yea the one I spent a whole year with. Wish I had never met her. What's the old saying? NEVER AGAIN Originally Posted by burkalini
Sounds like an expensive session! How many hours is that?
The unfortunate thing is if you are in this realm long enough, you will find someone like that. Initial contact seems good and the sex is great then they turn out to be far worse than you thought. There are a couple of hookers <-(stated this way for a reason...) that standout in my mind who I wish would move on and forget we ever met. Such is life though...
B.Wayne's Avatar
of course and even though I am retired we still maintain email contact....but I don't regret our encounters at all...so second thought I guess no would be my answer
noah..I always tell them baby dont get hooked on me
burkalini's Avatar
Sounds like an expensive session! How many hours is that? Originally Posted by Gramatik

She quit the business for the last 10 mos so no hours from there on. lol
Yes...and the list isn't a short one....
Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 08-27-2012, 07:40 PM
Honestly I'm so infatuated with Skylar Cruz that I'm afraid to actually be with her, she is so smooth and has a style that just reminds me of myself and I know we would make sparks fly, I like the hobby because I love being able to leave without attachments but for some reason I think if I walk away from her . . . . . I'll miss her :-(
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-27-2012, 07:50 PM
I have met some ladies I have enjoyed my time with more that others, so by definition I have met some ladies I have enjoyed my time with a little less. But I have been fortunate I have never met any I wish I hadn't. Some is probably due to doing my homework, but some is dumb luck I am sure.
LaStang's Avatar
One i wish i hadn't because of an emotional bond which i doubt she felt the same , a few i wish i hadn't for other reasons
Cpalmson's Avatar
Yeah, I met one a provider a long time ago. We really clicked together. I could have easily seen myself getting into a serious relationship with her, but then all of a sudden she vanished from the face of the earth. Never heard from her again.
Yes, I have had a few meetings like that. The time spent together was so amazing, the sex was out of this world, the conversation/pillow talk was so cool, but when the ultimate goal was met, it was cold shoulder time. Its the worst kind of anti-climax in my opinion. I know its just a release for some, but there are times I feel a connection with people and when the cold shoulder happens, it bothers me. It kind of makes it feel like the whole encounter was fake, and that bugs me. If someome is going to be a cold fish, I would rather they are that way the whole time, instead of blowing smoke up my......... you get the picture!