International Views on President Obama - Funny

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
From our most loyal ally, Denmark.

It's wonderful how our President is improving the image of America around the world.
Obama has improved our image around the world after Bush, and if you don't realize that, you don't read much.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Shucks, ya gotta wonder what they'd do if they didn't respect Odumbo so much.
waverunner234's Avatar
It will take generations to repair what Bush made of the view of America around the world.
LovingKayla's Avatar
OH please. The worlds attention span is shorter than a progressives any day.

I keep wondering what comic you are getting your news from? How can a truly educated person believe any of the shit you post? And don't come back with a lame reply like, "That's the same thing I thought about you." Paw leas. I guess the answer is... you AREN'T. Every time I try to understand the Left's view, I get slapped with these sorts of posts. If I had no idea which side to choose, I'd still go with which ever one you tards are not.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-12-2012, 12:28 PM
she sure told you IB.
Left vs right paradigm is Hegelian dialectic. It's a trap. It gives you the illusion of choice when they are just the left and right hand of the same beast-a govt that is a parasite, growing too big out of control, and in essence, killing the host.
joe bloe's Avatar
Obama has improved our image around the world after Bush, and if you don't realize that, you don't read much. Originally Posted by timpage

Fuck the rest of the world. We need to do what is right and what is in our best interest. I don't give a shit if the French like us.
Fuck the rest of the world. We need to do what is right and what is in our best interest. I don't give a shit if the French like us. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Exactly the viewpoint that makes the rest of the world hate us and exactly my point. Thanks for stating it so succinctly, Dubya couldn't have said it better.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The video was funny. You people need to lighten up.
I B Hankering's Avatar
she sure told you IB. Originally Posted by CJ7
You are still suffering with your lack of cognitive skills, aren't you CBJ7? .

joe bloe's Avatar
Exactly the viewpoint that makes the rest of the world hate us and exactly my point. Thanks for stating it so succinctly, Dubya couldn't have said it better. Originally Posted by timpage
It's better for us to be feared than loved. The World Trade Center was brought down because Bin Laden said that he knew America was weak. We were attacked because he didn't fear us. It doesn't matter how much money we give away, how many people we feed, or how many countries we liberate. The world loves to hate us because they envy us. The French have traditionally hated America more than any other country. This is after we liberated them from the Nazi's. The Japanese like us more than the French do and we nuked them.
You people don't work for a large multinational firm. My European co-horts like us better now because the USA isn't as capable as it once was. We don't make them look bad. It was all jealousy based.

That Prime Minister is hot.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-12-2012, 07:42 PM
OH please. The worlds attention span is shorter than a progressives any day. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Is that supposed to be your defense of Bush?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's better for us to be feared than loved. The World Trade Center was brought down because Bin Laden said that he knew America was weak. We were attacked because he didn't fear us. It doesn't matter how much money we give away, how many people we feed, or how many countries we liberate. The world loves to hate us because they envy us. The French have traditionally hated America more than any other country. This is after we liberated them from the Nazi's. The Japanese like us more than the French do and we nuked them. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Bullshit. The world hates us because we keep trying to control the world. The world envied our freedom back when we had some, but that isn't the case anymore. If we were to restore liberty at home, and quit trying to run everything around the world, the world would envy us again. Right now they think we're patsies, because we will give money to anyone, regardless of how they treat us. We're the co-dependent child of the rich guy trying to buy friends around the world, but we insist they play our way. When they don't, we give them our candy anyway.