Just popping in to say hello to my favorite state!

Missing the Mississippi banter!
How are yall?
Well hello Beautiful. Hope alls been going great for ya!!!!
Hey MFG all is well, my flinstones are itching to get on the road again soon.
How was your holidays?
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Hey Ms. Morgan! How was your holidays? Santa good?
Santa got me a huge L-shaped desk for one of my business’ so yes he was good.
Thanksgiving was great. I got to get in the kitchen and cook for my rugrats and hubs
He smoked the turkey on the grill and it was amazeballs

How was yours darlin?
Finally settled into the new place. Way out in the country on several acres so life is starting to slow down abit.

Hope yours were fantastic!!!!

Hey MFG all is well, my flinstones are itching to get on the road again soon.
How was your holidays? Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
MFG, being in the country is a great thing. I miss the solitude and being surrounded by all the trees.
How’s my ATF? I’ve been on a 11/2 year hiatus with a small health issue and the real world issues of keeping a business going. Looking forward to partaking of the fruits of the hobby soon. Stay safe
Blue goose, hey darlin!
I’m glad you’re healing and taking that time to do so.
My feet are itching so it’s time to get the heck out of Va again and soon.
All is good on the home front here and I’m missing my parents pretty badly but I’ll see them soon enough
Unfortunately I am having to return to NY as my stepdads health is having complications.
I hope to get down there soon to visit. Missing some good southern food dammit
Hey babe,miss the good ole days
Hey low gear, I agree 1000%! How are ya darlin?