It has gotten much too quiet around here...

john_galt's Avatar
Do you think that we have gotten the press (newspapers, magazines, TV, and radio) that we deserve and can we make valid decisions based on the daily coverage we recieve?

The mainstream media (MSM) has become an active player in politics and as such is either promoting a certain viewpoint or ignores other viewpoints. If you had a doctor or investment counselor who regularly withheld information, or refused to investigate an occurence, from you won't you be forced to fire them and go elsewhere. Many of us have gone elsewhere and you read on this site where we are ridiculed for this. When did the MSM get to decided what is normal (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, TNYT, etc) and what is abnormal (Fox News, Drudge, and Breitbart)?

Most recently the MSM has ignored the New Black Panther party's racism and threats, the racism in the Justice Department, the cozy relationships between members of the Obama administration and BP, and the thuggery and deception of SEIU.

What say ye?
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Cheaper's thoughts on this first hi everybody have not played in the sandbox in a min. Now on to the post. The whole world is fuck up money wise. While i all wise wish somebody black, poor, or indy win the prez seat. I am sad that obama win its just not fair that he has all this fuck up shit to deal with. I mean he had a chance to make the usa not just a supar power but a place that waz even that no matter want u can be better in the usa not the money stuff but the usa was really the best place to be. While i like obama i wish he'd won 2012. I hope everybody on here is doing fine with all this stuff going on in the fin world. Shit is ruff for a lot of people but ha stay strong we will get thru it in the mean time get a bj or ladies enjoy that good daty cheapers 2 cents
john_galt's Avatar
**Sigh** Cheaper, you are off topic from the first sentence and you are unintelligible. You sound like a cross between a stereotypical Jamacian and a drunk on a computer. You can do what you want but you show great disrepect to the rest of us by not even trying.

The question is about the media and their coverage or lack there of.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 07-18-2010, 02:13 PM
Cheaper....please stay on the topic at hand!
Bartman1963's Avatar
Frankly John, I am sick of politics right now. So unless someone posts something that is really offensive, I doubt I will have much to say in this thread.
dirty dog's Avatar
I agree with you Bart!

"You sound like a cross between a stereotypical Jamacian and a drunk on a computer. You can do what you want but you show great disrepect to the rest of us by not even trying."

You know JG you can ask someone to stay on topic without being an asshole (note I didnt call you an asshole) your the last person to ever discuss showing respect to anyone, when you do it, you can talk about others.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
John if your threads weren't so rush limbaug or boring the I might take more time to understand what they were about Jezz sorry for tring to give your thread some life. And have bloody good day sir.
Probably "off topic" too, but all the negative political adds have pretty much convinced me they are all crooks and none of them deserve to be elected to office. They are all out only for themselves and none of them have any desire whatsoever to serve the welfare of the American people. Never re-elect an incumbant, and throw all the bumbs out every year. Government is the largest organized crime structure in the country, and the less of it we have, the better off we will be. Thanks, I feel better now.
john_galt's Avatar
Okay, so I take it that everyone does not care about media malpractice and can't stay on topic
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Nothing will change for the good until we can get the media back out of the political process. ( both sides ). And we have real term limits for all elected officials at all levels. As soon as they win the first time they start working to get reelected or working to move up. Our founding fathers didn't really want to serve and they served a short time and then went back to their real life. The elected official's jpb was never designed or meant to be a life time job. It was meant do your duty and then go back to your life. And besides both sides have their media groups that don't tell the whole story.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
My solution is to find Cheaper, drink, and chase women. You already know I don't think it will get any better.
john_galt's Avatar
So you think the solution is to return to the days of the founders. Since we can't improve politicians maybe we can remove the perks of office. Lower pay, gifts, speech payments. We could have a constitional amendment (yes, this is hard) that has the states pay for their representatives salaries, offices, and staves. Maybe set a poverty line for life in Washington DC or better yet establish a dormitory and require representatives to live there or commute like the rest of us.
Imagine a Hillary Clinton or Claire McCaskill having to go the state legislature and explain a million dollar a year office.
Back to the topic though, how do we get the media people to start doing their job. Boycott? lawsuits? Political pressure? You can sue anyone for anything. You need a lawyer and a position. Go after the advertisers? The NYT has been losing money every year for years but they don't care. Research the parent companies and go after them on a broad front; GE, McClatchy, etc.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
ok whats the topic again are we talking about people who get paid to do what they are told to do are we tring to tell a privite or public company how to do their job common john you are a rebu gov & people don't tell companies what they can do if you don't like it just watch rush the pill guy
A funny thing Amendment I. Not only does it allow Cheaper (and the rest of us, BTW) to express his opinions, but it also allows for a free and open press, without the encumbrances of having to report to anyone. About the only thing you can do if you don't like what a branch of the press is doing is to cancel your subscription, and even that is no guarantee that it will affect anything. I read something on the KC Star's editorial page over a year ago that not only did I disagree with, but it really offended me - so I canceled my subscription.

Newspapers all over the country are losing subscribers and, by extension, advertising revenue. But it seldom affects their editorial stance. Same with the evening news on the networks - no change in their stances either.

So, until the people who head these MSM news organizations change, I say watch ESPN, grab a beer, get laid as often as you can - 'cause there ain't much you can do about it.