Oprah Winfrey; teenage prostitute or just slutty teen?

Longermonger's Avatar
Check out the gossip rags in the checkout aisle. One of them has a screaming headline that Oprah (yeah...THAT Oprah) was a teenage hooker that did guys for 2 to 4 dollars. I'm shocked that it was so cheap. That's all.

From the story I read Oprah got knocked up by one of her customers. Why hasn't Fox News jumped all over this? LOL

Sidebar: Did anybody catch Fox's live broadcast of Al Franken's speech in Las Vegas? It was amazing. Franken bashed Fox on Fox in a live broadcast.
sipapi's Avatar
Though I rarely have seen her show, I have always been a big admirer of her success, partly due to the circumstance from which she has risen. It is my understanding that she was molested as a child, raped by age 9 and pregnant by 14, coupled with unrelenting poverty. One, don't put much faith in the journalistic stock of the gossip rags but even if she was blowing sailors 2 at a time for nickels, her childhood might explain the bargain. As the poet Paul Hewson said, "the more I learn, the less I know"....
dirty dog's Avatar
Check out the gossip rags in the checkout aisle. One of them has a screaming headline that Oprah (yeah...THAT Oprah) was a teenage hooker that did guys for 2 to 4 dollars. I'm shocked that it was so cheap. That's all.

From the story I read Oprah got knocked up by one of her customers. Why hasn't Fox News jumped all over this? LOL

Sidebar: Did anybody catch Fox's live broadcast of Al Franken's speech in Las Vegas? It was amazing. Franken bashed Fox on Fox in a live broadcast. Originally Posted by Longermonger
Someones troll fishing again
Kaboom's Avatar
Not that I really like Oprah but anything in those "news"papers is not worth the shit on my toilet paper.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What!? You mean the story about President Obama working with the aliens from the Arcturus system to clean up the BP Oil spill may not be true? Dammit! But they had pictures!
Kaboom's Avatar
Hard to believe, I know. It's amazing they would dupe us like that. You'd think something sold in a grocery store would have some damn integrity!
Longermonger's Avatar
Someones troll fishing again Originally Posted by dirty dog
Wouldn't that make you a fish on the line?

No, I just saw the headline and used the Google to check it out. I think you all know that an attack on Oprah is not like an ordinary story on Hollywood celebrities. She's got 2.4 Billion reasons to get treated with kid gloves.

The first reference I found was a story about an unauthorized biography of Oprah in mid-April. There were also claims that the story of Oprah's life is just Oprah's version of her upbringing and that some of her relatives say she's just straight-up lying about some of the details.

Naturally, the story is ON TOPIC for this forum. Maybe some of our fellow mongers in Chicagoland know the truth...
I think the trolling was slathering over Al Franken's Fox bashing, omg...on Fox!

Politicians troll for attention also...doesn't mean Fox has to care or respond in any way.

I don't care who the politician is...and I don't care who the news organization is...I am turned off by public officials whining over news coverage. Period. If they have ever flat out lied about Franken, fine. If not, why does a politician whine about a news organization?
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 07-27-2010, 12:21 PM
Dirty Dog......chill!!!
dirty dog's Avatar
Dirty Dog......chill!!! Originally Posted by Bubba
Chill ?????? Maybe I should do something before I chill.
Chill ?????? Maybe I should do something before I chill. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Well, you could always um, well, you have a store full of porn . . . LMAO!

Kisses DD,

- Jackie
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
the point is she is a billioner so theirs not one person on her who eat her pussy at the drop of a dime next story & did I say billoner yes I did