dirty dog's Avatar
One things for sure Pioli doesnt mind spending the money, but thats a lot of money for a player who has never taken a snap in the NFL. 65 million for Cassell and now this, has Al Davis taken over the chiefs??????
Danny117's Avatar
In the other thread I explained the D-line is important....why does anyone care that Matt Cassel is making that amount of money...its the defense that needs to be stressed...I am talking about sports...God forbid you over analyze what Im saying in this thread...its my opinion I could be wrong....
Gryphon's Avatar
The size of the contract for the #5 overall pick in the draft was one of the reasons a lot of folks predicted Pioli would take a tackle rather than Berry. The contracts are slotted and there really isn't that much negotiating room over the total amount, just how it's structured. It doesn't make any logical sense that Tyson Jackson is the 48th highest paid player in the NFL, but that's what happens when you're the #3 overall pick. The ludicrous salaries for highly drafted rookies is one thing both the owners and the NFLPA agree needs to change, so when/if a new CBA is negotiated it should get better.

That said, if Berry turns into the game changing defender he's projected to be (a la Troy Polamalu or Ed Reed) he'll be worth every penny.

And the way to keep from having to pay first round draft picks so much is simple: win more games!
dirty dog's Avatar
The size of the contract for the #5 overall pick in the draft was one of the reasons a lot of folks predicted Pioli would take a tackle rather than Berry. The contracts are slotted and there really isn't that much negotiating room over the total amount, just how it's structured. It doesn't make any logical sense that Tyson Jackson is the 48th highest paid player in the NFL, but that's what happens when you're the #3 overall pick. The ludicrous salaries for highly drafted rookies is one thing both the owners and the NFLPA agree needs to change, so when/if a new CBA is negotiated it should get better.

That said, if Berry turns into the game changing defender he's projected to be (a la Troy Polamalu or Ed Reed) he'll be worth every penny.

And the way to keep from having to pay first round draft picks so much is simple: win more games! Originally Posted by Gryphon
Well Berry is talented and hopefully he will prove to be worth it, my comment was more about the structure than his actually salary, so your right I hope the CBA does address this stupid salary structure with slotted pay rates.
Danny117's Avatar
BTW be aware there is more than one person using this handle...just realized that....not surprising though
dirty dog's Avatar
In the other thread I explained the D-line is important....why does anyone care that Matt Cassel is making that amount of money...its the defense that needs to be stressed...I am talking about sports....God forbid you over analyze what Im saying in this thread...its my opinion I could be wrong... Originally Posted by Danny117
Because the 65 million spent on a weak armed quarter back could be spent on the D-Line that needs to be fixed thats why its important, and what the hell does your post mean, this thread is about the amount of money the Berry just got paid, your the only person spazing about the D-line. Are we to understand that because you said thats the problem we are not to discuss anything other than the D-line?

"I am talking about sports"

what the fuck do you think were talking about.

"God forbid you over analyze what Im saying in this thread...its my opinion I could be wrong.."

What the fuck are you talking about, whose analying who, dude no one cares enough about what you got to say to try to analyze your comments. Seriously dude, you respond to this thread with some crazy comments that make no sense, take your fucking meds. Cant even talk sports without some off the wall crazy comments, geez !!!!!!!!!!
dirty dog's Avatar
BTW be aware there is more than one person using this handle...just realized that....not surprising though Originally Posted by Danny117
Nope system does not allow that, once a handle is taken its not available to others.
Danny117's Avatar
thank man...I appreciate knowing that
dirty dog's Avatar
thank man...I appreciate knowing that Originally Posted by Danny117
Tell the other 4 personalities so they know it also.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Tell the other 4 personalities so they know it also. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
they should have just taken the 65mill & paid to fix some games my 3 cent & 1 dime
It's past time that the NFL transition to a "Lottery Pick" style contract format for rookies like the NBA. Anyone want to bet the NFL Players Association says, "NO!"?
BiggestBest's Avatar
BTW be aware there is more than one person using this handle...just realized that....not surprising though Originally Posted by Danny117
Just change your password, but this time don't share it with anyone.
Thequeen's Avatar
ummm does anyone have berry's number... He just got a shit load of money lol Im sure there are a few girls that would allow him to give us some Heck I know I would.. I mean what better way to spend that money than to be knighted.... hahahahah

Im glad they got him signed so he could make camp.... Seems like things are gonna go good at camp.. Only player missing is page and we already know he wont be back here. I kinda feel sorry for him in a way because if he gets released it wont be till later and he will miss another teams camp but then again thats what he gets by not coming back here and tryin to play. At least when tony wanted to leave he still played the game the same way he did when he wanted to be here......
Danny117's Avatar
Biggest Best that is the best adv. you have have ever given.