dirty dog's Avatar
The current administration has asked congress to change the law to allow LE to get your internet informtion to include e-mail web history, chat logs etc. without a warrent. They claim this will only be used in cases of terriorist activity, but they said the same thing about the patriot act and there are some drug dealers and mob guys in NY where the Patriot act was used against them and they had not connection to terrorism, so i have little faith that this new law would in fact be used only for terrorism. The thing that I find amazing is Obama campained on the evils of the patriot act, but extended it, and now this. So what say you?
I say that contrary to Justice Stevens' assertion in Roe v. Wade, there is no right to privacy in the Constitution, and to expect as much from the government is wishful thinking. And there is no way that the narrow focus that this law portends to direct itself, sooner or later, they'll be after us.
nsafun05's Avatar
There may be no provisions in the Constitution about privacy, but we do have the Fourth Amendment which covers illegal search and seizures.
Longermonger's Avatar
Jackie where are you???