The Decision, The Choice

Danny117's Avatar
Okay peoople heres the skinny....Brett Favre isn't gonna retire his decision will be to take the Vikings back to the Playoffs...but remember kids someone wrote a book back in the 60s or 70 "Why the Vikings will never win the Super Bowl?" Ironic as the Chiefs only Super Bowl victory was beating the Vikings.

The choice is whether you wanna bet on Favre's decision before he makes it.

I will take the under on this one.
sipapi's Avatar
Brett Faaarva? Little "Something About Mary" hijinks. Played golf with Brett years ago and he told me then he would not retire until he beat the Chiefs in Super Bowl....I'd bet we are good for at least one more season of the Wrangler wearing old man.
He meets with Dr. Andrews next week to see how well his left ankle has healed. If he gets the OK, he'll play. If not, he may not retire, but he'll wait a few weeks before showing up for practice. I'll say the over/under date for his return is Aug. 23.

I'll take the over; since I'm frequently wrong, I'll recommend you take the under.
I would think for a man that has played football all his life, retiring would be a very sad decision to have to finally make. In my opinion, retiring for any man from any profession would be a hard transition. We all think it is the end all be all of existence....retirement (woo hoo) LOL.

However, I think a lot of men feel they are defined by what they do for a living. That's what makes them who they are. For a lot of men when that is gone, they might have a sense of not knowing who they are anymore. That huge life change might be hard to move into without some feelings of loss or thinking they are missing out on contributing to society.

I don't know what he is going to do. I am pretty sure that if his ankle surgery was not able to fix all that was needed in order for him to play again, he will be extremely bummed out by "having" to retire instead of retiring when he was really mentally, emotionally and physically ready to hang up the helmet.

Putting football aside, the thought of a man who loves nothing more than doing his job, Brett being forced into retirement would be extremely disheartening.
I think if he can walk, he will come back. He's a tough guy and he needs to feed that ego. He must have forgotten the beating he took againgst the Saints last season. If the Vikes were smart, they should have prepared for him not to return and move on without him. He has become too much of a distraction and bigger than the team. I think it's selfish of him waiting until training camp to decide. He is still a gunslinger when it comes to qb's and will find as many ways to win as he will to lose the big games. The Vikes have talent, a lesser qb can still help them win.
growler's Avatar
It will be a sad day if Favre cann't go. He and Walter Payton are the best I've ever seen play.