Things have been too quiet for so long.

john_galt's Avatar
I guess everyone is on vacation. I was in Alaska last week myself.
Ok, it is apparently the weekend of the royal family's festivities. Obama spends his time in Chicago sans family and many sites around the country are having birthday parties for him. More like a royal celebration than an American president. They even wanted money in lieu of presents for the DNC.
Meanwhile Marie Antionette, I mean Michelle is in Spain with 40 friends flying in a jet used by the Vice-President. That cost us $380,000. The public kicked off public beaches for the Obama party, stores opened after hours, and now she is heading to Majorca. If anyone has been there (I have) in August you will realize what a headache her entourage is going to cause.
The press shreiked plenty about Bush going home to Crawford but stand idlely by for this imperial behavior more suited to a king than a president.

Well that's my scread, offer any comments that you want.
kc1's Avatar
  • kc1
  • 08-08-2010, 12:45 AM
offer any comments that you want. Originally Posted by john_galt
Thank you for the invitation as if it were needed.

Johnny, no one shives a git about the what and why of your narrow view and you are a troll, as am I, you just cloak it whereas I have the balls to be one openly.

As a troll, my comment is this. Wanker off.
john_galt's Avatar
It is a bulletin board where people proffer their thoughts based on the category. I have done so and you... I guess troll just about covers it but there are so many different kinds of trolls. Which one are you?
JRLawrence's Avatar
"It is a bulletin board where people proffer their thoughts based on the category." Originally Posted by john_galt
You made a good post John.

Forget about KC1; everyone else has.

Forget about KC1; everyone else has. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
At his best, KC1 has been amusing!

However, he may not fall into the category shared with me some time ago by a wise man, "people go away fastest when they are ignored".
Longermonger's Avatar
Well that's my scread, offer any comments that you want. Originally Posted by john_galt
kc1's Avatar
  • kc1
  • 08-08-2010, 07:53 PM
At his best, KC1 has been amusing!

However, he may not fall into the category shared with me some time ago by a wise man, "people go away fastest when they are ignored". Originally Posted by scorpio31
Yea I think I be here for a bit before my work is done and Im the best kind of troll. The one that gets all the attention. As they say on PBS thank you

Can you believe the shit I got away with and didnt get banned or even points?

Maybe things are just a little too close to home for them

I gotta go flip the donuts.