White House restarting federal oil, gas lease sales next week

texassapper's Avatar
ICU 812's Avatar
Pay less attention to what they say but note what they do.

By this action, they are admitting that what they did right after the swearing in, restricting oil exploration, transport and production, was a mistake.

And they are admitting that depleting the Strategic Oil Reserve was also both ineffectual and a mistake.

But come Monday, no one in the administration will admit those things as bad choices.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I have to agree with the above. Saying that they are going to open up exploration is not the same thing as doing it. If things continue as they are, those leases will only be open to companies with diverse owners. Women, minorities, gay people, and whatever the flavor of the day is will get leases. Then they have to have the resources to explore. So Biden can say that they gave out a thousand leases but not one drill hits the bedrock.
As to second ICU again, this is Biden saying that they have been wrong since day one.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Leases are all well and good. They still have to explore the lease for viability -- then get a permit to drill. This has been where the slow-walking has been occurring in recent past. Remains to be seen what oil companies will do, seeing where they also increased the Federal tax on royalties by about 67%. While not my area of expertise, I would guess a newly issued lease might start producing in a year or two. Which is l-o-n-g after the mid-terms. Juss say'n.

Seems like F Joe Biden is trying to close ye olde barn door long after the horse is far afield.