Who's up doing crunches?

So anybody else up at 4:45 this AM feeling real guilty for gorging all weekend?
I did not do tooooo bad but tread mill here I come lol

Mine was not so much food but alcohol.
Last night Left overs and late night snacking is what killed me....

Back on my 6 p.m. to 6 A.M. intermediate fasting THAT RIGHT THERE WORKS!
Tomorrow..... Starting that.. lol I got a late night movie tonight.....
NOTHING beats movie butter popcorn.... YUM
Driving to Beaumont after damn near a 3 hr Movie and stuffing my face with popcorn NOT A DRIVE I AM LOOKING FOWARD TOO.
Ok back to the crunches...
woodpusher's Avatar
I did mine yesterday; an hour of core exercises. I ate too much pie. Not so much booze. Is there such a thing as too much pie? Today, light exercising and gonna visit my sugar babe and eat pie again

Movie theater popcorn is a weakness for me too babe. And welcome to Houston. Your sessions sound amazing.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
You're wasting your time with crunches. You need Cardio at full speed on incline for 20 minutes to even begin to burn any fat on a treadmill. It's best to run outside so you can get some real miles or powerwalk at the minimum 5/6 miles.

Also, Fasting is Terrible on your body. You are Starving your body. Therefore, the very next thing you eat turns straight into Fat because; your body has been in Starvation Mode. You need to keep your Metabolism going by eating every 3 hrs while you are awake. It's "What You Are Eating And Drinking" that is the Issue. Your Stomach Is As Big As Your Fist And Abs Are Made In The Kitchen. Diets Fail (It's a 4 Letter Word For A Reason). Only Forever Lifestyle Changes Work.

If you want Faster Results along with Cardio and your Lifestyle Change, Switch To Burpees. 25 Reps/3 Sets. Then do your Cardio right after.

This is just my opinion. Keep up whatever works for you though

Also, I refuse to train in the morning. I am NOT a before 7am morning person unless it's my Home Life and my Furbabies

I kept it short lol Have a Great Day and Happy Hobbying!
I tend to agree with what you just said - but just in the last couple years I have had multiple people, including my brother, tell me how good fasting is for you and the old advice you should eat smaller portions but eat often to keep you going is no longer relevant. I wayyyyy overdid it on the food and alcohol this weekend so I am about to hit the gym right now!
Yes I agree with you in alot of that as well and I believed that for a long time as well.
The body is starving so it stores everything as fat etc etc etc. then I studied this guy Andrew Hubberman he tells how it impacts your brain.

Tom Bilyeu

He is like the fasting king

THANK YOU ..I TAKE IT ALL IN...especially when someone has the body I want I listen...lol
The problem is not something not working it really almost all works IF I DO IT and stick to it.
My issue is I start then stop because of a death or a set back then I'm like fuck it ..... GIVE ME THAT TRIPLE chocolate cake hand me the remote....
I am in my 50s and what worked when I was 20 and 30 does not work as well something else might work better but its really simple for me. Burn more than you take in. SIMPLE

I think why I have always bounce around cause its so easy to come off so I'm like in 30 days 60 days most. It's gone.
YOU SAID THE MAGIC WORDS ..Lifestyle change....not just when you get tired and lose then gain then lose then gain then lose.

BUTTTTTT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Do not take my crunches lol I really do the side crunches and the reverse crunches are my favorite..