Cherrypopp visit

Had a nice session at Cherrypopp. I had parked on the street as I did not want to risk being towed. Came back to my truck and someone had thrown dog shit all over the front of my truck. I didn’t park like a dick, I parked in a legal spot on the street. It was easy to wash off but did make me wonder. Maybe I’m overthinking it, not sure. Thought it was worth the share.
CaptainZman's Avatar
You need to run and hide! It’s the Chinese Triad marking their territory.
Let's Go!'s Avatar
I'll bet you parked in somebody's normal spot, or they were waiting to park there, and you unknowingly cut in front.
I have had this happen to me before.
2balls75's Avatar
Sounds like you had a Cherry poop visit JK. Sorry that happened to you, it was pretty shitty of them.