Criticism of how others choose to spend their money

stimulatethemind's Avatar
I'm not sure why, but it seems that there are a fair number of guys who like to criticize what others choose to pay for a lady's company. Here's an example:

I've seen several reviews with these type of comments and am just curious why so many seem to want to give advice on how to spend their money. In the example I gave, it seems to me that the OP/reviewer had a nice time and enjoyed the lady's company. I would have to assume that he felt as though he had received appropriate value for his expenditure. Some, however, feel the need to point out to the reviewer that he could have, for the same expense, had two sessions with different ladies. Do they think he wasn't aware of this? Why did they feel the need to point this out? I have never understood why some folks feel the need to criticize others about how they spend their hard earned cash. It's mine and I'll spend it, however others may think wasteful, however I see fit. I have spent well over what this reviewer did for two hours of a lady's time, and felt that I received wonderful value for my expenditure. That was my choice. It's my money!! Value, much like beauty, is very much in the eye of the beholder. If the lady who was reviewed is too expensive for you, or you don't feel that her price is appropriate for her perceived value to you, that's an easy one.......just don't see her. Go see someone who, in your opinion, is a better value for you.

I'm not a car person.....don't really care much about them, except as a means to get from point a to point b. If I were a multi-billionaire, I doubt if I would ever purchase a Rolls Royce or a Ferrari, primarily because I don't perceive it to be value to me. I do not, however, begrudge others who choose to buy one that right. It's their money!!

Anyway, sorry for the rant. It's just a pet peeve of mine. I'm sure there will be some dissenting opinions. Hope everyone has a good day.
malwoody's Avatar

Just an everyday, garden variety example of the have-nots taking shots at the haves...

One of several reasons I quit doing the review thing long ago...the same clown who sees fit to say "Wow, $$$ for a CBJ" is the same guy who never books more than a B&G or a message.. What he will probably never know is there is a wonderful world that can open up with an extended and relaxed date. I have no problem with how anyone participates..I tried the quick just wasn't for me...if someone wants only that..quick and cheap that is their choice but don't criticize the guy who wants and spends more..

My coin is my coin...I'll spend it however I like..

Just an everyday, garden variety example of the have-nots taking shots at the haves...

One of several reasons I quit doing the review thing long ago...the same clown who sees fit to say "Wow, $$$ for a CBJ" is the same guy who never books more than a B&G or a message.. What he will probably never know is there is a wonderful world that can open up with an extended and relaxed date. I have no problem with how anyone participates..I tried the quick just wasn't for me...if someone wants only that..quick and cheap that is their choice but don't criticize the guy who wants and spends more..

My coin is my coin...I'll spend it however I like.. Originally Posted by malwoody

Agree MW...and VKmaster (God rest his soul) always said the same thing.....some people always bashed him for no reviews and only a fortunate few knew he was having more fun then most all of us!!

Ive spent top dollar for providers like Charlotte Bell and had the time of my life.....God I miss her.

And spent the low end and in alot of those cases wouldnt go back
AMEN to the above 3 posts, my money I spend it how I want, with who I want.
They are HATERS! They cant afford to play like some others, but instead of just being happy they find any reason to talk shit about how others are spending their money. I do always dislike it when other guys tell someone they could've had 2 sessions for the price they paid for one.... Hell, if I was a guy and had the extra money to participate in this hobby, I sure as shit would! I'm picking the exact lady\ladies I want and not comparing ladies because of their prices but merely because of the services they offer...because of my interests.
Good thread!
There are always going to be haters. For that matter I'm one of them. The only difference is I usually just read the reviews,laugh and keep my opinions to myself. But, yes, I'm a hater. I take joy in the misery of others. If I read a review where some guy says he went to BP, spent $80, she was not the girl in the pictures posted, and then she took his money and took off I just shake my head and LOL and say to myself "and, you expected What??". There, I said it, I'm a hater. It doesn't make me a good person.
Some shop at Walmart some shop at Neiman Marcus.
stimulatethemind's Avatar
Some shop at Walmart some shop at Neiman Marcus. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
No problem there. Just don't need the Walmart folks telling the Neiman Marcus shoppers that they shouldn't be shopping there and if they would only shop at Walmart, they could get more stuff for their money.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 02-07-2014, 03:25 PM
I looked at the posted review thread. I didn't see any hating, just observations/opinions by some guys. It was a civilized and rather polite discussion about this lady's pricing and pricing in general. Some of the guys commenting had even seen the lady so they had 1st hand observations.

Nobody called the reviewer a nasty name. Not that I saw anyway. Interestingly, the reviewer himself never bothered to address the comments. He probably didn't care what anyone else thought. What a novel concept.

Lots of derision on these comments here though, i.e labeling people "haters", "clowns", "have-nots" and even, gasp, the dreaded "Wal-Mart" shopper! That's really hitting them where it hurts!

Why do you folks here care so much about someone else's opinions to the point you resort to name-calling? Just sounds kind of defensive and thin skinned to me.
KCQuestor's Avatar
I agree that guys should be able to spend their money the way they want, and a "Yes" recommendation is all the justification anyone needs.

However, I have to admit that I kind of understand the "Why?" question in the first response on the linked thread. Assuming that it isn't answered in the review, I think it is a perfectly valid question to ask "Why would you pay such a high premium over any number of other options?"

Just like with a car, obviously, the simplest answer is "Because I wanted to." (Why would you spend $80,000 on a BMW? "Because I wanted one."). But it isn't always jealousy or hating to say "Is it her looks, or is it the service she provides, or is she famous, or maybe she is just an all around good experience?" It is a request for information, not an attack.
malwoody's Avatar
some people always bashed him for no reviews Originally Posted by BigDeal
Now who would do such a thing..?

Why do you folks here care so much about someone else's opinions Originally Posted by jan-w
Why do you care about any of the opinions that were expressed about the "opinions" ?
Was it that the OP didn't have enough reviews??
malwoody's Avatar
They are HATERS! They cant afford to play like some others, but instead of just being happy they find any reason to talk shit about how others are spending their money. I do always dislike it when other guys tell someone they could've had 2 sessions for the price they paid for one.... Hell, if I was a guy and had the extra money to participate in this hobby, I sure as shit would! I'm picking the exact lady\ladies I want and not comparing ladies because of their prices but merely because of the services they offer...because of my interests.
Good thread! Originally Posted by Gemma34
There are always going to be haters. For that matter I'm one of them. The only difference is I usually just read the reviews,laugh and keep my opinions to myself. But, yes, I'm a hater. I take joy in the misery of others. If I read a review where some guy says he went to BP, spent $80, she was not the girl in the pictures posted, and then she took his money and took off I just shake my head and LOL and say to myself "and, you expected What??". There, I said it, I'm a hater. It doesn't make me a good person.
Kat Originally Posted by Katharine Butler
I'm curious..since you both are certainly established and respected...might these be the same guys who like to....negotiate??
Stiffy008's Avatar
So the Sugar Daddies are stepping away from their site and coming to ECCIE to flex their wallet a little. There will always be someone to meet everyone's cash flow, some eat at McDonald's and will eat a combo meal, and some can only eat off the $ menu, but everyone goes to McDonalds.
So ECCIE and McDonalds both have menus. It's what the customer / client has in his pocket and can afford.
Some don't write reviews, because they have their all time favorite menu items, and only want the combo meals.
malwoody's Avatar
So the Sugar Daddies are stepping away from their site and coming to ECCIE to flex their wallet a little. There will always be someone to meet everyone's cash flow, some eat at McDonald's and will eat a combo meal, and some can only eat off the $ menu, but everyone goes to McDonalds.
So ECCIE and McDonalds both have menus. It's what the customer / client has in his pocket and can afford.
Some don't write reviews, because they have their all time favorite menu items, and only want the combo meals. Originally Posted by Stiffy008
Got to hand it to you Clouseau....not sure what road you think you are wandering down..but you never seem to be short on tenacity.. Your current disguise ain't gettin it though...let's see.."flightmedic", "helicopter" and I can't remember the other one..and now Stiffy. You trying to catch Fritz or what?'s the SB/SD deal working out for you?

Fritz has a HUGE lead on him, but Clouseau is resourceful and may catch up one day.

I here tell the SD/SB thing is not going well at all. One attempt failed miserably and he crashed and burned. However, he has a real talent in being dangerously close to outing girls.

Hey, that could be his next username, Dangerous Dan! No charge helicopter/stiffy008, my gift to you!

On coin, my fun; your coin, your fun. Try to imagine how little I care about your fun and what you think of my fun. There are depths and breadths to this sub-culture that many may never understand or experience. But hey, keep trying.