PBS nuclear energy programs

eccieuser9500's Avatar
In my location, I have seen three programs about the nuclear age we are in. In my location, energy is big business. Any coincidence?

I hope Iran isn't trumped by Tom Brady during the CBS evening news. I hope the U.S. is making a mutually assured existence agreement. I hope the world finds better forms of energy.

Any thoughts on the politics of natural power? Solar or wind?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
In my location, I have seen three programs about the nuclear age we are in. In my location, energy is big business. Any coincidence?

I hope Iran isn't trumped by Tom Brady during the CBS evening news. I hope the U.S. is making a mutually assured existence agreement. I hope the world finds better forms of energy.

Any thoughts on the politics of natural power? Solar or wind? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I think wind and solar are great alternatives, but as long as Big Oil controls energy policy and the market, I doubt we will see any real progress in alternative energy. It's ridiculous. Oil is a19th century fuel. Nuclear is 20th century. We need a sustainable, renewable and safe 21st century fuel. I think it's there, but it's being suppressed.
I think wind and solar are great alternatives, but as long as Big Oil controls energy policy and the market, I doubt we will see any real progress in alternative energy. It's ridiculous. Oil is a19th century fuel. Nuclear is 20th century. We need a sustainable, renewable and safe 21st century fuel. I think it's there, but it's being suppressed. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Pay up!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep along with those carburetors that would give you 200MPG and the cars that run only on water..

2DogsCo has a new offer for the environmentally conscious.....it is a solar powers, wind aided clothes dryer that use absolutely zero energy produced by man. Act now and for a limited time, paying only the extra shipping and handling, 2DogsCo will throw in not one but two additional solar powered and wind aided clothes dryers at no additional cost. But wait, there is more. Live in an apartment an worried about not having a place to put the solar powered wind aided dryer, act now and for an additional 19.99 plus shipping and handling, we will throw in a miniaturized version of the best selling solar powered wind aided clothes dryer that has had millions of people asking , why didn't I think of that. But waiot there is more......2DogsCo will throw in some revolutionary new devices to keep your clothes in the best possible position for optimizing the benefits of our space age solar powered and wind aided clothes dryer. Just pay shipping an handling. Remember act now as these are flying off of our shelves.

2DogsCo also has a special offer on roach killer at a price you will not believe, plus shipping and handling...........
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I watched two or three of the shows on PBS.
The Fukishima story was great. the things that the workers did to try to avoid greater catastrophe than what happened was remarkable.

The story of Uranium was also good except for the dude that was telling the story at times expressed, by his body language, his disdain for some of what he was chronicling.

The story of the atomic bomb development was very interesting as it highlighted the interpersonal competition and conflict within the scientific community. Also the fact that the Soviet Union knew everything that was going on in the Manhattan project via two communists that were working on the project.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think wind and solar are great alternatives, but as long as Big Oil controls energy policy and the market, I doubt we will see any real progress in alternative energy. It's ridiculous. Oil is a19th century fuel. Nuclear is 20th century. We need a sustainable, renewable and safe 21st century fuel. I think it's there, but it's being suppressed. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

That sounds really silly when you think about it...oil is a 19th century fuel. Really? What does that mean anyway? Wood is a 2300 BC fuel... Coal is a 5th century fuel? Why do you think oil is done as a fuel? The whole point of progress and energy is to have something is portable, dependable, and relatively common. Oil is all of those things. Nuclear power is a good alternative. Wind and solar are not yet here. They only work on a small scale. They can't power a city. A typical city I might add. Maybe some sci fi city of the near future where everyone walks, no one uses A/C, people get up at 5 AM in the summer, rest for three hours at mid day, and work into the evening.

Lets forget about the bumper stick physics.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Yep along with those carburetors that would give you 200MPG and the cars that run only on water..

2DogsCo has a new offer for the environmentally conscious.....it is a solar powers, wind aided clothes dryer that use absolutely zero energy produced by man. Act now and for a limited time, paying only the extra shipping and handling, 2DogsCo will throw in not one but two additional solar powered and wind aided clothes dryers at no additional cost. But wait, there is more. Live in an apartment an worried about not having a place to put the solar powered wind aided dryer, act now and for an additional 19.99 plus shipping and handling, we will throw in a miniaturized version of the best selling solar powered wind aided clothes dryer that has had millions of people asking , why didn't I think of that. But waiot there is more......2DogsCo will throw in some revolutionary new devices to keep your clothes in the best possible position for optimizing the benefits of our space age solar powered and wind aided clothes dryer. Just pay shipping an handling. Remember act now as these are flying off of our shelves.

2DogsCo also has a special offer on roach killer at a price you will not believe, plus shipping and handling........... Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I'll never forget the Housing Authority providing my mom with one when we were growing up in the PJ's.

I watched two or three of the shows on PBS.
The Fukishima story was great. the things that the workers did to try to avoid greater catastrophe than what happened was remarkable.

The story of Uranium was also good except for the dude that was telling the story at times expressed, by his body language, his disdain for some of what he was chronicling.

The story of the atomic bomb development was very interesting as it highlighted the interpersonal competition and conflict within the scientific community. Also the fact that the Soviet Union knew everything that was going on in the Manhattan project via two communists that were working on the project. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Did you see that hot ass nuclear physicist from or at Tennessee? WOW!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You talking about the 95 year old babe or when she was much younger.
The russion girl was doable, a little stocky, but doable.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
That's not even funny. The nuclear physicist.