Thinking about ABQ again, it's been a while...

I visited Albuquerque years ago and had a great time. It was pretty busy for me as I recall and all the gentlemen I met were very welcoming. I have been considering returning for some time, but rarely have the opportunity to do so, given my schedule. I've found myself with a bit of free time this summer and would love to give this another whirl. What do you guys think? Interested? This would probably be around the second week of July or so...

joyote's Avatar
I'm all for it, Gwen. Count me in!

Clearing my calendar now for the 2nd week of July. ;-)
joyote's Avatar
lol my calendar didn't have anything on it for that week anyway!

Now it won't! Not till I hear from you, Gwen.
Sexyhova's Avatar
Hi Gwen, I would be interested if you decide to stop by. Just let us know the exact dates as when you know and I bet you will stay busy if you decide to come visit.

turtle138's Avatar
Hey count me in as well.
Sounds like we'll have a good time guys! Be sure to send me a quick e-mail if interested, so that I can get in touch with you when I finalize plans.
Hey beautiful, I already told you elsewhere that I'm in. I'm on P411
I'm looking forward to meeting you guys!! Stay tuned...
Looks like I may have to join you Gwen! I think I can give this a try. If I do decide to go with you, are we driving or flying? I got a brand new car and it's really good on gas but I think this is gonna be a long ass drive. Hmmmmmm..............
Looks like I may have to join you Gwen! I think I can give this a try. If I do decide to go with you, are we driving or flying? I got a brand new car and it's really good on gas but I think this is gonna be a long ass drive. Hmmmmmm.............. Originally Posted by Majestycctx
Hey, that sounds like a great idea. I think it's time for a ROAD TRIP! Between both of us driving, it won't be too bad, plus we can always stop and visit the boys in West Texas along the way.
Hey, that sounds like a great idea. I think it's time for a ROAD TRIP! Between both of us driving, it won't be too bad, plus we can always stop and visit the boys in West Texas along the way. Originally Posted by SimplyGwen

Sounds like a plan!
The Second Week of June is still looking good! If anymore of you guys are interested in meeting with me in ABQ, drop me a line to my e-mail or via P411. The amount of response will dictate how many days I schedule for my visit!

I meant...

2nd Week of JULY