Who's To Blame For The Increasing Gap Between The Rich And The Poor? Market Policies, Says New Report

From Forbes:

Many of today’s richest people made their fortunes thanks to the exclusive government concessions and privatization that came with
market fundamentalism, the report says. (Oxfam says market fundamentalism is when government policies favor the private sector indiscriminately and end up causing extreme inequality.)

There is also, says Oxfam, a strong correlation between extreme inequality and low social mobility. If you are born poor in a highly unequal country you will most probably die poor, and your children and grandchildren will be poor too. In Pakistan, for instance, a boy born in a rural area to a father from the poorest 20% of the population has only a 1.9% chance of ever moving to the richest 20%. In the U.S., nearly half of all children born to low-income parents will become low-income adults, Oxfam says.

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LexusLover's Avatar
Who's To Blame For The Increasing Gap Between The Rich And The Poor?

Hillary and Bill.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Democrats and Republicans.
Democrats and Republicans. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You can say it's Democrats and/or Republicans, but it's really our system of government. It doesn't work for the whole of society. It only works for those at the top. And it's going to get worse, unless something is done about inequality in American today. More and more average working Americans see it and they are sick and tired of it. They are working harder and more hours, making less, and still are not able to get ahead. In the meantime, the millionaires and billionaires are sitting on enormous incomes, mostly from capital gains and other investments, paying lower taxes than the middle class and working poor, and getting richer by the minute. I'm not saying they haven't work hard for it and don't deserve it, I just don't like the fact that they evade taxes and pay less than the middle class. I also don't like the fact that large multi-nationals are avoiding taxes owed in the range of billions each year, which should be illegal. These are simply tax codes that need to be revised. Naturally, the super rich and large multi-nationals don't like it because it will hurt their bottom line maybe just a little bit. It's called greed. But if you think about it, how much do you really need to be happy? I'm sure if they paid just a little bit more in taxes, they would still be more than comfortable.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The obvious answer is Barack Obama and his progressive policies. Lord knows that GOP in the Congress haven't gotten anything passed.
gfejunkie's Avatar
In my 50+ years of working I never got a job from a poor person.

I B Hankering's Avatar
You can say it's Democrats and/or Republicans, but it's really our system of government. It doesn't work for the whole of society. It only works for those at the top. And it's going to get worse, unless something is done about inequality in American today. More and more average working Americans see it and they are sick and tired of it. They are working harder and more hours, making less, and still are not able to get ahead. In the meantime, the millionaires and billionaires are sitting on enormous incomes, mostly from capital gains and other investments, paying lower taxes than the middle class and working poor, and getting richer by the minute. I'm not saying they haven't work hard for it and don't deserve it, I just don't like the fact that they evade taxes and pay less than the middle class. I also don't like the fact that large multi-nationals are avoiding taxes owed in the range of billions each year, which should be illegal. These are simply tax codes that need to be revised. Naturally, the super rich and large multi-nationals don't like it because it will hurt their bottom line maybe just a little bit. It's called greed. But if you think about it, how much do you really need to be happy? I'm sure if they paid just a little bit more in taxes, they would still be more than comfortable. Originally Posted by SassySue
You're truly a "Gruberized" Odumbo minion if you actually believe that anyone in this country, in the 21st century, is "working harder" than their forebears did, little girl. A full third of the European immigrants who migrated to this country in the 17th century were felled by disease, little girl; the survivors had to contend with hostile natives while they felled trees and planted and harvested crops using crude, man or animal wielded tools. That struggle was repeated for over two centuries as Europeans pushed their way westward, little girl. Some 4,000 to 20,000 died digging New Orlean's New Basin Canal (AKA "Irish Canal" for the Irishmen who died digging it), little girl. More untold hundreds died building the Erie Canal, and the Transcontinental Railroad, little girl. Fifty-six hundred died building the Panama Canal, little girl. Twenty-seven men died building the Brooklyn Bridge, little girl. Eleven men died building the Golden Gate Bridge, little girl. So, take your X-Generation notion of "working harder" and shove it, little girl.
ICU 812's Avatar
Should there be a Federal subsidy to provide lower socio-economic groups increased access to The Hobby?

Could Providers be required to have Pro-bono sessions with those who qualify??

A surcharge on paying Hobbyists to fund the subsidy.

Perhaps a Govt-run Agency . . .like the Vetern's Administration.

All possibilities that could be amended into O'Bama-Care!

You're truly a "Gruberized" Odumbo minion if you actually believe that anyone in this country, in the 21st century, is "working harder" than their forebears did, little girl. A full third of the European immigrants who migrated to this country in the 17th century were felled by disease, little girl; the survivors had to contend with hostile natives while they felled trees and planted and harvested crops using crude, man or animal wielded tools. That struggle was repeated for over two centuries as Europeans pushed their way westward, little girl. Some 4,000 to 20,000 died digging New Orlean's New Basin Canal (AKA "Irish Canal" for the Irishmen who died digging it), little girl. More untold hundreds died building the Erie Canal, and the Transcontinental Railroad, little girl. Fifty-six hundred died building the Panama Canal, little girl. Twenty-seven men died building the Brooklyn Bridge, little girl. Eleven men died building the Golden Gate Bridge, little girl. So, take your X-Generation notion of "working harder" and shove it, little girl. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are comparing today's economy with an economy that happened eons ago and has nothing to do with the world we live in today. It's like comparing apples to oranges. It's not relative to the subject I'm talking about either. I'm referring to the shrinking middle class, and the causes thereof.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are comparing today's economy with an economy that happened eons ago and has nothing to do with the world we live in today. It's like comparing apples to oranges. It's not relative to the subject I'm talking about either. I'm referring to the shrinking middle class, and the causes thereof. Originally Posted by SassySue
No, you are the one who made the balderdash claim that people today are "working harder" than folks worked in days gone bye.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You can say it's Democrats and/or Republicans, but it's really our system of government. It doesn't work for the whole of society. It only works for those at the top. And it's going to get worse, unless something is done about inequality in American today. More and more average working Americans see it and they are sick and tired of it. They are working harder and more hours, making less, and still are not able to get ahead. In the meantime, the millionaires and billionaires are sitting on enormous incomes, mostly from capital gains and other investments, paying lower taxes than the middle class and working poor, and getting richer by the minute. I'm not saying they haven't work hard for it and don't deserve it, I just don't like the fact that they evade taxes and pay less than the middle class. I also don't like the fact that large multi-nationals are avoiding taxes owed in the range of billions each year, which should be illegal. These are simply tax codes that need to be revised. Naturally, the super rich and large multi-nationals don't like it because it will hurt their bottom line maybe just a little bit. It's called greed. But if you think about it, how much do you really need to be happy? I'm sure if they paid just a little bit more in taxes, they would still be more than comfortable. Originally Posted by SassySue
Our system of government has been controlled by Democrats and Republicans, and their masters for 150 years. Another term for another Democrat or Republican will not change that. They all make the same promises every election cycle, but nothing changes except to get worse. Hillary is not the answer, she is a continuation of the problem. It won't improve with her. It probably won't improve with Trump.

We MUST quit electing Democrats and Republicans. The caused these problems. They profit from these problems. They have no interest in solving them. They will talk about solving them, but once in office, it's more for them, and less for us. It doesn't matter what they say. They are lying.
Our system of government has been controlled by Democrats and Republicans, and their masters for 150 years. Another term for another Democrat or Republican will not change that. They all make the same promises every election cycle, but nothing changes except to get worse. Hillary is not the answer, she is a continuation of the problem. It won't improve with her. It probably won't improve with Trump.

We MUST quit electing Democrats and Republicans. The caused these problems. They profit from these problems. They have no interest in solving them. They will talk about solving them, but once in office, it's more for them, and less for us. It doesn't matter what they say. They are lying. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What type of government should we have then? Are you saying we shouldn't have any elected officials? I don't think that would be a good idea. Our country would be like the wild, wild west again!
What type of government should we have then? Are you saying we shouldn't have any elected officials? I don't think that would be a good idea. Our country would be like the wild, wild west again! Originally Posted by SassySue
The Wild West wasn't as wild as you think. Television gives you that impression. They didn't have gun control but rather gun etiquette. Armed patrons in a Saloon in large cities had to check their weapons with the saloon keeper, did you know that? People had more respect for one another, not just because the majority of people were armed but rather because they were brought up that way. If you're disenchanted with anything remember you caused it.
Most people today have the attitude that they belong to the world, instead of the world belongs to them.

ICU 812's Avatar
All good discussion. Back to the OP income inequality and the haves and have nots.

I have a disability and I am retired ona relatively low fixed income—Don't get out much! Twice in 2015, none in 2013 or yet this year.

I feel that there should be a Federal subsidy, through Medicare or Social Security Disability, that would facilitate an increased frequency and regular schedule of hobby sessions for me. Maybe some sort of voucher program, like they want to do for school choice.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What type of government should we have then? Are you saying we shouldn't have any elected officials? I don't think that would be a good idea. Our country would be like the wild, wild west again! Originally Posted by SassySue
I like a limited government. Small as possible. Enough structure to keep people from doing violence to each other, but otherwise, leave people alone to pursue happiness in the ways they see fit. People should be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor and ingenuity. They should also bear the consequences for their decisions. We'd need a streamlined, efficient and strong national defense that would be just that. Defense. Protect us, not police the world. No central bank, and value backed money. And a free market, not the crony capitalist crap we have now.