
Renegade69's Avatar
Backpage was just taken down.
Good or bad?
Government (religious nuts that are part of it) want to tell people how to live but no love for right to healthcare, education and so on.
Grace Preston's Avatar
As one falls, others follow.

I'm sure some will be "glad to be rid of it". But the law of unintended consequences is always one hell of a motherfucker to contend with.
Yup..... sure was......

This is what I got.....

More content........

Meanascanb's Avatar
ECCIE will probably be next. Welcome to the Nanny state. They even took all the Horse racing web sites away (Texas) and that's legal. But I guess beneath their standards of morality. is not working as well (at least I can't assess the website). What's going on? Does this happen once a while or first time? is not working as well (at least I can't assess the website). What's going on? Does this happen once a while or first time? Originally Posted by chacha411

It says a "Database Error"..... but who knows.......

Everyone better grab everyone's numbers whom wanna stay in contact.....!! Lol

NMEufdaST8's Avatar
Interesting bit:

As the direct result of unconstitutional government censorship, has removed its Adult content section from the highly popular classified website, effective immediately. For years, the legal system protecting freedom of speech prevailed, but new government tactics, including pressuring credit card companies to cease doing business with Backpage, have left the company with no other choice but to remove the content in the United States.
So in the same sentence, they claim censorship and then say they took it down themselves. This isn't censorship. It's a shitty tactic by the Feds, but it isn't censorship.

As federal appeals court Judge Richard Posner has described, the goal is either to “suffocate” Backpage out of existence or use the awesome powers of the government to force Backpage to follow in the footsteps of Craigslist and abandon its Adult advertising section. Judge Posner described such tactics as “a formula for permitting unauthorized, unregulated, foolproof, lawless government coercion.”
Yes - "lawless government coercion." But not censorship.

“It's a sad day for America's children victimized by prostitution,” said Dr. Lois Lee, Founder and President, Children of the Night, a leading national hotline and shelter program for victims of sex trafficking based in Los Angeles. “ was a critical investigative tool depended on by America's vice detectives and agents in the field to locate and recover missing children and to arrest and successfully prosecute the pimps who prostitute children.” She added, “The ability to search for and track potentially exploited children on a website and have the website bend over backwards to help and cooperate with police the way Backpage did was totally unique. It not only made law enforcement's job easier, it made them much more effective at rescuing kids and convicting pimps.”
First I've heard of that.

And the game of whack a mole moves on...
low end theory's Avatar
It says a "Database Error"..... but who knows.......

Everyone better grab everyone's numbers whom wanna stay in contact.....!! Lol

. Originally Posted by threshold

yeah no shit...
USAsoldier's Avatar
Welcome to Trump's America! Ha!
cabletex7's Avatar
Dating section is up and running.
timetolive's Avatar
Women seeking men and Massages are apparently not immoral. They are still up.

There are going to be some desperate BP hoes in the market soon.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Holy Guacamole!

Backpage was where I started a decade ago. It had good points and back, like everything else. I have fond memories of meeting wonderful lads via BP, and STILL see a couple of loyal lingering lovers who contacted me off my "intimate infomercials" there. Hadn't posted in a very long time simply because I have been heading UTR.

Their fate was inevitable, however. T
oo little caution and discretion, too much fakery and scamming, lack of editorial control regarding stolen photos and underage advertisers, more and more scrutiny from authorities pulling back their thinly-veiled curtain of prostitution promotion. Hate to see BP cave under pressure, as it was an inexpensive, widely-read advertising alternative to generate revenue for many ladies, and a resource for gents who hadn't yet discovered the Hobby per se.

RIP. I will mourn them as I did ASPD, end of another erotic era. I do question the future of member sites like ECCIE, as eventually the unblinking eyes of morality control will have nowhere else to stare.
Biggie_Smalls's Avatar
+1 agreed. Money hungry fo show.