Let It Be Known...

You know i comment here and there on things and over the last year or so have had my own threads but i dont get too crazy. But i do browse and research ALOT on this site. With what is said to who and viseaversa. I just want to say i think how alot of clients will be all goody goody to providers when it concerns co-ed room or the sandbox, but when it involves things outside us ladies,which we have no control over because we dont have access to certain things, like for example the Mens Lounge. (minus the ladies who somehow manage to get access to that, me being not one of them)

I have to remember we are all human and we have our own judgements and preferences on things. boys will be boys girls will be girls but what ever happen to loving everyone the same, maybe thats just my fantasy world, but know this.....

I as a provider would never talk about how overweight some of the guys i see or how their horrible kissers. Because i am a nice person and it really doesnt bother me, but it does bother me AT ALL when i hear how the men talk in the mens lounge the words whore and slut come up......Really now? Is the mens lounge like the highschool football locker room where you gentleman go and shoot the shit?(redundent question)

im not going to get to much further into it, but i wanted to just make it known that just because i dont have access to certain things,(nor would i probably care to hear half the bullshit you men talk amongst yourselves) doesnt mean i dont know whats being said. And i will refuse a client is i dont like his demeanor or the way he speaks about other providers.

But for those of you who are truly gentleman, i appreciate you
I just feel there is a certain amount of respect expected in this hobby but its not being practiced heartfully.
ibechill's Avatar
Ya'll do the same thing.

For the record, you shouldn't know what is being said in the men's lounge. It is private for a reason. Just because a guy uses the terms you detest, doesn't automatically make him not a gentleman.
i completely agree but things are being brought to my attention, i personally dont care whats being said, just shows me the type of guys some of you really are..

Ya'll do the same thing.

For the record, you shouldn't know what is being said in the men's lounge. It is private for a reason. Originally Posted by ibechill
Yes, Mandy. A few of my clients have told me how they all act, and talk in the mens lounge. It is a "hobby" though, so it is only to be expected. There's good and bad here, guys and gals. Who cares what the bad (whether it be a man or woman) has to say. My feelings don't get hurt. Haters will be haters. Call us "whores" all y'all want and be disrespectful behind our backs. Us good gals will continue to keep our comments to ourselves. :-)
that was nicely said. and am in complete agreeance. and im not bothered by those terms i just thought wasnt even really brought up or thought apon in a negative manner

Yes, Mandy. A few of my clients have told me how they all act, and talk in the mens lounge. It is a "hobby" though, so it is only to be expected. There's good and bad here, guys and gals. Who cares what the bad (whether it be a man or woman) has to say. My feelings don't get hurt. Haters will be haters. Call us "whores" all y'all want and be disrespectful behind our backs. Us good gals will continue to keep our comments to ourselves. :-) Originally Posted by Naughty Nali
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I understand your concern, but you can't paint all men with the same brush.

I shudder to imagine what goes on in the "ladies" locker room when they think they are out of earshot.

Personally, I am not into gossip because I believe it degrades the listener as well as the instigator, but unfortunately that is what passes for conversation in many arenas these days.

You just need to turn a deaf ear to the garbage, switch the channel and steer clear from the muckrakers.
ibechill's Avatar
Does it really matter what you are called if it generally means the same thing:
Hooker,whore, concubine,slut,prostitute, provider,escort,working girl ......
see and this is where im lost, either im obviovious to the ladies locker room talk or its never caught my attention, i have never seen a point in talkin negatively about people, what is the benifite? nothing other then your being negative. i will give people chances and i wont go off biased desitions but it still dissappoints me to hear certain things.

I understand your concern, but you can't paint all men with the same brush.

I shudder to imagine what goes on in the "ladies" locker room when they think they are out of earshot.

Personally, I am not into gossip because I believe it degrades the listener as well as the instigator, but unfortunately that is what passes for conversation in many arenas these days.

You just need to turn a deaf ear to the garbage, switch the channel and steer clear from the muckrakers. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Here are some words of empowerment....Eleanor Roosevelt said "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

And another one for the common sense..."Who gossips with you, will gossip of you"

Just my two cents.

actually yes to be blunt with you it does. I would not see a client that considers and talks to his friends as if im a whore or slut. they are disrespectful TO ME, now ive known some girls to take pride in those type of nicknames, but i am not one. (just stating my opinion, dont want to offend anyone)

Does it really matter what you are called if it generally means the same thing:
Hooker,whore, concubine,slut,prostitute, provider,escort,working girl ...... Originally Posted by ibechill
ibechill's Avatar
Me personally I don't use the words. I say girl, lady or provider.

The words you don't like are insensitive, but they are only words.
your right but it still makes a girl think about things at the end of the day. i wont speak for any of the othergirls but i have feelings and i know i would hate to be talked about like that.

Me personally I don't use the words. I say girl, lady or provider.

The words you don't like are insensitive, but they are only words. Originally Posted by ibechill
Mandy, you have to understand that we are all human. Sometimes we get angry, talk sh*t, and say really mean things in the heat of the moment. I for one could really care less what is said in the mens room. Who cares, to be in this biz you have to put your big girl panties on and get a really thick skin. This biz is not for the weak a heart. I don't take pride in those nicknames (unless BCD and Im being a dirty whore) but I dont give a shit what anybody thinks of me.
yeah i understand what your saying. but i guess im just different in my views on the subject, but i dont think it makes you "weak" because you care about whats being said, it makes you human. I dont think its about thick skin but a strong mind, knowing who you are and choosing to ignore the negativety. u dont have to have thick skin to be in this business, atleast not to me

Mandy, you have to understand that we are all human. Sometimes we get angry, talk sh*t, and say really mean things in the heat of the moment. I for one could really care less what is said in the mens room. Who cares, to be in this biz you have to put your big girl panties on and get a really thick skin. This biz is not for the weak a heart. I don't take pride in those nicknames (unless BCD and Im being a dirty whore) but I dont give a shit what anybody thinks of me. Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe
you know, i just need to realize this is the way things are and they wont ever change. again dissappointing to me. the hobby is what it is, once we cross into this "realm" anything and everything should be expected and accepted