Creative Lover

elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
I was wondering if we have any creative, innovative lovers (i.e. providers) on the board?

I'm rewriting my ultimate fantasy and I need to know who I should cast as my leading lady.

You can reply here or PM me.

Here are some scenes that I would like to rehearse:

You'll need great upper body strength for that.

This made me think of that old Bangle's song, "Walk Like an Egyptian"

That's just hot thinking about it!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 03-27-2010, 09:20 PM
Well honey, I haven't tried the top position, but damn she would have to have some
seriously strong arms.... but I do the second position all the you get
a nice view....
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
Fawn...Dear...I haven't forgotten your invitation...I just need to plan earlier in the day...

"You do realize in that second photo...his feet and her hands are up against a wall..."

I'm working on my shoulders and traps as we type.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 03-27-2010, 09:31 PM
OMG, Lana just called me and said bitch put your damn glasses on
and look at that picture again....did you know he was laying on wall....
Fuck no, hold on let me get my glasses... OK, I lied...I thought they
were just laying on the bed...I wondered why you wanted something
so simple...OK I could have edited it but I thought yall needed a good
laugh.....cause I'm laughing...
pyramider's Avatar
At my age, cramping is always an issue.
Well, I tried both and got a charliehorse during position#2. Damn good thing I tried these alone so no ladies were hurt during the testing phase, only me.

P.S. I have an idea of several ladies that I would like to try this with. If you know me / like me and are enough of a daredevil, please let me know.
steverino50's Avatar
Lexy Laye is a gymnast. Strong and flexible. She might fill the bill.