Great Review and humble apology

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I received a great review recently and upon arriving home last evening from a happy hour with friends saw that some unknown individual had said some rather unkind things. He also PM'd me and it was very disconcerting to say the least. I was a tad tipsy, upset and didn't have my granny glasses on while a little tornado of posts, emails and PM's were exchanged, So, along with being a tad inebriated, upset and half communication skills were less than desirable .

I apologize to anyone I seemed rather terse know who you are and please know my apology was sincere. I also gave one of our Mods a hard time and have been chastised and taken my punishment for posting in the review section. (Ladies, I don't recommend trying to do's frowned upon...oops!)

Anyway...the good new is....I now feel like an Official Player ...I received points (deservedly so) for my behavior...I guess you could say I'm in detention...goes along with the theme of the review though....LOL

Lesson learned about attempting to get on the board while under the influence. Keyboard + M A X + dirty martini's + a less than genial individual = 5 points...LOL

I also want to thank all the really nice gentlemen I've seen in the past and those I haven't met yet, for all their support! Ya'll are the Bomb Diggety! xoxo

Not sure if this is the right forum to post this....I'm certain it will be moved if I posted incorrectly.
flexywun's Avatar
dirty martini's, say no more....
LazurusLong's Avatar
Points? Bah! Humbug! You haven't arrived until you have been banned by points on ALL the major boards.......
SirThomasTew's Avatar
Points? Bah! Humbug! You haven't arrived until you have been banned by points on ALL the major boards....... Originally Posted by LazurusLong
You haven't departed until you have been banned by points on ALL the major boards.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-25-2010, 06:07 AM
Nope Max you posted this in the right forum....and yes I read what youre
speaking of...I am sorry that happened....and yes Max you learned the
hard way....The review section is for the men only to post in...but you
get that now...anyway you do have the right to come here in coed and
post a go for it girl....keep your head held high honey....
you know who you are and whats is in side that big heart of yours.....
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I am kinda shocked that I was even able to post in that section, but as stated, I wasn't thinking very clearly...imagine that?!?! Anywho....not such a hard thing when I have so many valued friends an admirers in our community. Just wish I had taken the advice I've given many others.....hind sight and all that. I have no rebuttal for the mean spirited nature of this particular individual who posted in the comment section after such a great review from a really awesome gent, and my head is always held high, babe.

Thanks for the nice comment......wanna do Happy Hour? LOL mwah!
Saturn's Avatar
For those who know you Max - you are a great person.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar

Thank you! xoxo
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Hmmmm, female equivalent to "beer goggles" but in a posting scenario, eh? Oopsie! heh heh heh
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Hmmmm, female equivalent to "beer goggles" but in a posting scenario, eh? Oopsie! heh heh heh Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Right?!?!?...I had an oopsie! Tried to tell someone a while back that we all have them. I am pretty sure I have one or two left in me....
be on the look out for them! LOL
Max, you are a Sweetheart. I give you points every time I see you!