Whats to do in Texarkana Texas
Hey everyone im in Texarkana tx area but i dont know whats to do up here.. Can anyone help me out?
Post in the East Texas section. Most of those guys are lurkers
You can have a long argument with yourself or someone, about whether Texarkana is best described as a Texas or Arkansas city. That should kill a couple hours of boredom.
Go downtown and see the only Federal Courthouse in the country that straddles a state line. Eat at the Dixie Dinner. Then you can say you’ve done it all in Texarkana.
Go walking on the Arkansas side of town yelling hook em horns.
And if you still need excitement after that go to the texas side and call the hogs. Oooooooo piiiiiig sooooeeeeeeyyyyy.
One or the other of those activities should get you some memories you will remember for a while. LOL.
Your not too far from Shreveport. From there go west to Gibsland. Go see all the Bonnie and Clyde stuff there. -KD
You have a beautiful smile. You should smile in more of your pictures.
Are you in Texarkana on vacation?