On Birth Control In The Hobby...

I know this guy...let's call him "SecretD". SecretD has a session with a provider...things are going great in CFS. SecretD asks provider where he should "end". Provider says "right in there". SecretD, having been around the block once, or twice, decides to "get out" and end outside. Thankfully SecretD did, because precautions had failed. Provider starts to freak out because she's not on birth control and the only precaution would have failed if he stayed "right in there"...nearly oblivious that SecretD is also upset because he also didn't want anything like the provider had feared to happen either ($ * 5000, 18-21 years, energy, drama).

Afterwards, SecretD is driving down the road, thinking to himself about all the women he's met in the hobby who don't use birth control besides condoms. He thinks, "gee, I wish she told me that she's not on birth control before I finished". Some women are honest and up front, but not many...too many think that condom is their salvation. You can pretty much assume most men have "loaded guns", as the number of BC options for men are far less (and not temporary) than for women.

He gets a little angry, thinking why aren't all providers on some other of protection besides the condom...isn't that the morally correct thing to do...her choice, her responsibility? A more rational side then pipes in that some women medically can't be on them...or some of them are trying to have children with a SO. "I wish I knew who was on BC besides condoms...call it BCBC (Birth Control Besides Condoms)...pill, injection, ring, tubal ligation, born sterile...whatever...as long as there is another BC method in play besides condoms, that'd be reassuring". He'd also be willing to put down whether he is BCBC (vasectomy, sterile, or some other male contraception that is WAY overdue)...don't to be specific...just say BCBC...just like DDF. Make it a part of screening on P411, or some other verification service.

Sure, some providers may fib, and say that they are BCBC, when they aren't, just so their business isn't affected. You may even have a minute percentage of providers and clients start practicing more BBFS. At least more of the cards are on the table for a good decision to be reached.

Is SecretD on Jupiter with this idea?
Still Looking's Avatar
Many older men have had vasectomy’s. Just thought I'd throw that in there. But you can't be too careful. Guy gets vasectomy. Girl takes pill. Guy uses condom. Girl uses female condom. Flush both condoms down toilet. If she has a kid call that bastard Houdini... he earned it!

You sound like a nervous wreck dude, have a drink.

pickupkid's Avatar
SEcret ..
I suppose you could ask but your 'e going get a let a lot questions..Why?..You might be breaking the mood. Your 'e choice....
You sound like a nervous wreck dude, have a drink.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
LOL. He would've, but he had to go back to work.
Many older men have had vasectomy’s. Just thought I'd throw that in there. But you can't be too careful. Guy gets vasectomy. Girl takes pill. Guy uses condom. Girl uses female condom. Flush both condoms down toilet. If she has a kid call that bastard Houdini... he earned it!

Originally Posted by Still Looking
SEcret ..
I suppose you could ask but your 'e going get a let a lot questions..Why?..You might be breaking the mood. Your 'e choice.... Originally Posted by pickupkid
That's why "SecretD" thinks it should be part of screening, not BCD...the same way the list of activities, donations, and incall/outcall adjectives are. Way too many people rely on a device that is at least 400 years old in design. The only time "D" has ever been told by a woman she isn't on BC, BCD, is if they are not using condoms.
AngeLisa's Avatar
Personally I have a hard time bearing children(pregnancy complication) therefore I have bc because I don't want that experience again.i have been on since 2010. That's long before I started as a provider 7 mths ago, but I am glad I did.

great suggestion I think,
Some girls think its cute to be on Maury tho!!!
Mature Companion's Avatar
It's just as much, a morally correct thing for men to do and just as much their responsibility? To make sure they're not going to be able to get a woman pregnant in this adult lifestyle..
Don't push all this bullshit on women.

If you as a man are going to partake in this adult lifestyle with many different women over the years. then you need to make sure your *swimmers* are taken care of. Take RESPONSIBILITY if your going to stick your dick in a woman. Whether it's covered or not!

isn't that the morally correct thing to do...her choice, her responsibility? Originally Posted by SecretE
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Only you can be the boss of you , if you don't want something like that to happen, take precautions, its as simple as that. Only your significant other should share in those kind of responsibilities.

Expecting a provider to cover all the bases for you ? lol...For every responsible provider their are 100 irresponsible lol...Good luck sweetie

Sorry, but I'm going with Jupiter

LOL. He would've, but he had to go back to work. Originally Posted by SecretE
Work never stopped me from drinking.In fact I think everyone expected it, lol.

gimme_that's Avatar
I'm wondering what those providers would think if a client just casually popped the question are you on birth control during screening.

I'm figuring most would think the worst about you, or assume to some extent you had malicious intent to some degree (BBFS). This seems more like a personal choice that you control rather than her. You could easily pull out or insure during relations when you get close to achieving that your condom intact.

I think if this is something that really concerns you though in choosing a lady, you should ask while you are screening. Right at the beginning. I wouldn't suggest waiting until the actual meet because questions of that nature are just creepy then. Be prepared for ladies who won't respond, ladys who will lie to make the sale (since you having cfs anyway.....why should she care right....and why should she worry), etc. This may limit the ladies you can see.

And I don't think adding this as a preference in a ladys profile is good either. I don't need to know her birth control status. Maybe guys would see birth control friendly and assume she would be more prone to doing bbfs. And besides you could easily put this preference in your p411 profile since you have morereservations for ladies that don't.

I bet if you took a poll the results will be half an half for providers I bet. With mostly probably saying nunya damn business.
It's just as much, a morally correct thing for men to do and just as much their responsibility? To make sure they're not going to be able to get a woman pregnant in this adult lifestyle..
Don't push all this bullshit on women.

If you as a man are going to partake in this adult lifestyle with many different women over the years. then you need to make sure your *swimmers* are taken care of. Take RESPONSIBILITY if your going to stick your dick in a woman. Whether it's covered or not! Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
The only way men currently have complete control over this other than a condom is a vasectomy. Plus, they don't give men any say on abortions, or even a financial abortion. Trust me, if there was a pill, a ring, a shot I could take, to "do my part" I would. It doesn't exist for men. It exists for women. If the only way besides condoms to keep from getting pregnant was a tubal ligation, plus Roe v. Wade never happened...that would be the female equivalent of what men currently face. Not expecting the provider to do anything, if she doesn't want to, but since my options as a man are limited, it would be nice to know ahead of time what I potentially face.
Gimme that was spot on. The only reason you should be asking me about my birth control is never, since we're wearing condoms. And not the cheap dollar store condoms either!
The only reason you should be asking me about my birth control is never, since we're wearing condoms. And not the cheap dollar store condoms either! Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
I don't agree with that comment at all. It is my business. Condoms do burst and I'd like to know if you're not on bc so I can either pull out and fill the condom full or shoot somewhere on your body. Better yet, all providers not on bc should offer CIM and swallow the evidence.

In the last 2 years, 4 providers in my area who have become pregnant because of bursted condoms. 3 had the babies and one asked the hobbyist for abortion money. I've personally known 4 guys who have had condoms burst on them in the last year and they were sweating enough waiting on their STD/HIV test results. No need to add the fear of 18 years of child support to that.