To the guy that walked up to me in the grocery today....

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 07-08-2014, 11:11 PM
To the guy that walked up to me in the grocery today....

And started the conversation with "I hope this ain't weird, but I remember you from a hobby social a few years ago"....


Seriously... in what fucking world do you think that shit is ok?
That is so not cool. I hope you were not with non hobby friends or family.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Some folks are just eat up with the dumbass.
GingerKatt's Avatar
I wish you had asked him for his handle so we could all know who this jerk is! What a moron. He needs to be called out.

______________________________ _________________
Sleepy363's Avatar
Man there are some really dumb motherfuckers in this hobby. Sorry that the guy had no clue as to what DISCRETION is. I wonder if he was with his S.O. and you did that what his reaction would be?

Get your head out of your ass dude.
Sorry you ran into that special combination of stupid and asshole, Ze.

I hope you weren't with friends/family.

Good night.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
These ones are such special treats. Sorry lady.
Boltfan's Avatar
I said I was sorry. Sheesh.
Wow!!! Some guys I swear smh
Saw one of my providers at a bar, and then later I noticed her on the dance floor, but I acted if I had not seen her. When she came off the floor she nodded with a slight smile, so I nodded back. She knew that I was discreet enough not to approach her. Later we had some laughs about it. We even discussed getting a small group of hobbyists/providers together to go dancing sometime.
Man there are some really dumb motherfuckers in this hobby. Sorry that the guy had no clue as to what DISCRETION is. I wonder if he was with his S.O. and you did that what his reaction would be?

Get your head out of your ass dude. Originally Posted by Sleepy363
Yes there are. Plus 1
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Wooooow smh!

I know guys recognize me all the time (i dont blend in very well) im thankful that has never happened to me idk how id react if it did!

Common sense goes a long way!
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
This year I went to a supermarket to buy some wine prior to an appointment. I had an appointment later in the afternoon and decided to stop by the market at lunch time.

When I arrived at the self-checkout the provider I was going to see was checking out some groceries. As she was leaving, she saw me, nodded discreetly and left.

A couple of minutes later I got a text: "I love malbec!". Risk you have when you hobby near work, I guess.

Zeze, if it was you at the checkout line, what would you do?
cheatercheater's Avatar
Wasn't me. I wouldn't have been able to speak. Then I would have been arrested for wanking in a public place....

I obviously don't shop the right stores!
Randall Creed's Avatar
Well, maybe you were looking so hot and approachable at that moment, that he felt overly compelled to say something.

I'm sure he meant well. Maybe he didn't want to waste an opportunity to see a provider that he really covets. One thing about us guys, many of us, is, we hate to blow a prime opportunity. Nothing is worst to us than saying to ourselves afterwards is, 'I should've...'.

Maybe he realized his error afterwards. Aww, man. I came on a little strong. She's going to hate me now. He probably feels bad about it. Now you've come on the board and cussed him out and shit, people piling on. His psyche is DESTROYED now.

Nothing's worse than a man with no confidence.

Forgive him, ~Ze~, and you will be blessed.

Btw, do we actually pronounce ~~'s in your name, does that work, exactly?