differences in client age groups

tornado82's Avatar
Providers, have you noticed any differences in behavior, spending habits, etc. in different age groups of clients? For example, how are most of your clients in their 20's different from those in their 40's?
Good question Dawg. Interested in the replies myself.
Most level headed REPUTABLE providers will deal with all 'gentlemen'
They're plenty 'gentlemen' around
and no matter If he's
20 or 40
If he's buying
there's a level headed REPUTABLE provider who's selling!

So there's your difference
O2B17again's Avatar
~P you're a nimble minx. I bet you would do well on the balance beam.
I would think the majority of guys are 35+ married men looking for something different. Most probably never post anything on here. Lurkers just read and stay undercover. Lurkers probably make up 70% or more of the lady's business
I wonder how many will have the courage to answer that question honestly?
skeeter's Avatar
Well , and there are a couple of us well on the plus side of 40 .. Lol
Hey man that's the best side to be on.
lat's Avatar
  • lat
  • 08-25-2016, 04:27 PM
How about 50 +
Carguy350's Avatar
Looks like we won't be getting an answer to this question. Bummer. It could've been a good one.
I know right. Potential for a very good conversation, but I figured they wouldn't say anything that could impact on their "business".
Okay, okay... let me chime in. Firstly, there are at least a few T & A threads on the first page so I've been distracted by lusting over fine babes. I did read the original post and find it to be a bit drab. And I was avoiding saying that and coming across as snarky but since ladies aren't really responding, I may as well be transparent. It seems there is the impression providers aren't responding due to fear. Personally it's mainly lack of clarity in my case. What is the OP really asking?

Stereotyping folks based on which generation they belong to is a practice I try to avoid. Outside the hobby, I've seen many of these generalizations disproved over and over. (Especially when other factors are considered such as gender, propensity for progressive or regressive thinking, capacity for empathy, and exposure or lack of exposure to diverse cultural spaces.) On the other hand, patterns based on age group show up for me in the hobby in that it is extremely rare that I get booked by a client who is younger than 30. So it is nearly impossible for me to compare what clients in their 20's are doing versus what 40+ clients are doing. It would be a very lopsided comparison. If I could compare, I wouldn't be inclined to divulge specific spending habits as I find that to be uncouth. Besides that, I pretty much agree with what ~P said.
His question was broad and open ended because thera are mnay different answers to it. It doesn't have to be sterotyping to notice some folks are more talkative or more polite for example. If providers have noticed no real general differences then by all means state so. I agree money issues would be unwarrented, but the question is I think more sociological than anything. There are always going to be exceptions to every norm or common trait for anything. I have always been curious about all the facets of the hobby.
Thanks for clarifying OldGent. My takeaway from my experiences as a companion as it relates to clients' age is that clients younger than 30 aren't spending their time or money with me, and this is totally fine as I do have an unstated lower age preference of 25 plus. I do hope some other ladies are inclined to chime in.
The older guys are more settled, not in a rush and chill. They have a concern for money, however, not focused on "what am I getting for my money"....most older guys are not 9-5 workers, they are retired or business owners,they are playing golf, at the blackjack/crap table or fishing on the lake.

Complete opposite, for the younger crowd....it's always about them...which is fine...it's just different. A twenty dollar bill means a lot to them...they are still working 9-5, finding new ways to hide money from their woman, ways to justify blocks of time..missing.

I am NOT saying all young guys are like this. Just my experience. I don't see EVERY gentlemen that contacts me. I love old ass men. Its a Chicago thang.