the Racist Story That Isn't...

Chung Tran's Avatar

what is the story here, besides "Cops bad, Black Man profiled"? or whatever slant this article is aiming for. his fucking burglar alarm goes off, Cops come, he tells them he has a gun??!! fuck, sounds like they handled him gently and with appropriate aplomb.

humiliated? he's screaming for his neighbors, drawing attention to himself. the Cops wanted an ID, he wasn't going to jail.. Black Man made it about Race the minute the Cops showed up.. "I gotsta get my camera".. he's lucky the Cops didn't slap it out of his hand.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
He's lucky he's not dead.
Btw, the alarm co screwed up, not the cops.
Chung Tran's Avatar
He's lucky he's not dead.
Btw, the alarm co screwed up, not the cops. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
yes they did.

but the Black Guy knew the alarm had gone off, he turned it off himself. he knew why the Cops showed up, and decided to play the potential victim, while giving the Cops a hard time.
themystic's Avatar
The po-po doesn't have the best track record with blacks, and vice versa
The R word is being over used and is losing it's impact.

Wolf ! Wolf !
Chung Tran's Avatar
The R word is being over used and is losing it's impact.

Wolf ! Wolf ! Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
it's like they gather every little incident around the Country, and report it as Racism, to see how much can "stick". no analysis, no measurement against credulity.

the Galveston incident, where the Cops on Horseback had the black guy roped, might be a REAL Racism story.. the Cops are apparently trying to block the release of full video, and they lied about the city ordinance they said informed them to tie a rope on a suspect, while Horses are employed during an arrest.

but when I read bogus racism like this linked story, it causes me to side-eye the next story that might be valid.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He's lucky he's not dead.
Btw, the alarm co screwed up, not the cops. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

not necessarily, i was about to point out that it depends on how he told the Alarm Company to handle an alarm.

any Alarm service i have had, you can specify how they handle an alarm. you can tell them to dispatch police first then call you. Or call you first, if they can't reach you, dispatch police. you can also tell them you are on vacation and to dispatch first. btw by law in Texas if it's a fire alarm from my wired in fire alarm, they have to dispatch the fire dept. then call you, if you answer and there is no fire they cancel the fire dept. run.

so it depends on what he told them to do. in the video at the end, it shows the alarm going off and he goes down and disables it. he should know that the alarm company is going to call any minute. they have to do that to verify it's a false alarm. typically you'll have a password or phrase on file to tell them.

also, why was his front door unlocked? did his friend come in and not lock it? did he not tell his friend about the alarm at all? did he assume his friend locked his door? it's obviously day time but i keep my front door and all exterior doors locked. all the time. even my garage entry door when my garage door itself is down. i check all my doors before i go to sleep to make sure they are locked.

i have had one odd alarm incident. about 3 am my alarm called out to the alarm company but did not trigger the alarm itself so i didn't wake up, no alarm going off. so my doorbell rings at 3 am and i am asleep. i go to the door, with my S&W .357 in my hand and ask, "Who is it?". they reply .. "Plano police". i say .. "one moment .. " and walk around to the dining room and look out the shade. a cop car. so i go get a pair of pants and shirt on, put away my gun, and go open the door. they say there was an alarm reported. i say well the alarm didn't go off. they say .. "is this your house and do you have ID". i say "yeah it's my house let me go get my wallet and my phone to see if the alarm company called". they say "May we come in?" i say "No." and close the door AND lock it. i'm sure they heard it lock. so i get my wallet and my phone and open the door and step out.

i give them my ID and they verify it, i also check my phone and the company had called. i usually keep my cell phone in my office not in my bedroom so if they had called i wouldn't have heard it. about that time my cat walks out to chat with the officers. lol. the door was not closed only pulled up to the other door so he opened it with his paw. they were impressed! Rocky makes small talk with the female officer while i get my ID back from the male officer and we are done. they leave and me and Rocky go back inside and i lock the door and call the alarm company. they can't explain why the alarm didn't go off. had a guy come out and re-check everything. found nothing. in 12 years that's the only "glitch".

i also do not set my motion detector unless i go on vacation because my cat will trigger the alarm if he jumps up on my couch. it's set so a small animal can walk through a room and not trigger it. i also don't set the motion detector because i get tired of forgetting it is armed and trigger it myself in the morning.

from what i know and saw in the video .. this is a classic case of .. NWA. period.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The po-po doesn't have the best track record with blacks, and vice versa Originally Posted by themystic

blacks don't have a good record with obeying the police. or did your black friend tell you otherwise?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The police don't have a good record when dealing with black men. Especially in poor neighborhoods. I've seen it myself. Nobody has to tell me.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The police don't have a good record when dealing with black men. Especially in poor neighborhoods. I've seen it myself. Nobody has to tell me. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

if you say so, hoodkat.
The po-po doesn't have the best track record with blacks, and vice versa Originally Posted by themystic
Very well put my brother!

what is the story here, besides "Cops bad, Black Man profiled"? or whatever slant this article is aiming for. his fucking burglar alarm goes off, Cops come, he tells them he has a gun??!! fuck, sounds like they handled him gently and with appropriate aplomb.

humiliated? he's screaming for his neighbors, drawing attention to himself. the Cops wanted an ID, he wasn't going to jail.. Black Man made it about Race the minute the Cops showed up.. "I gotsta get my camera".. he's lucky the Cops didn't slap it out of his hand. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Excellent points!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
if you say so, hoodkat. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I'm not the only one who would say so, separatist snob. I don't think you could possibly know.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm not the only one who would say so, separatist snob. I don't think you could possibly know.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

what makes you think i'm separatist little hoodkat? i just insist everyone obey the law and not get all obstreperous and uppity! what's wrong with that, hoodkat?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
what makes you think i'm separatist little hoodkat? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Your boasting posting of how elite your lifestyle is. Do you even know how to get to the East side? "Equal protection under the law" and "to protect and serve" are just, as Jack says, "punch lines."

I'm gonna use another Nicholson GIF just because of you.