Will Bernie support Tulsi like she helped him ?

In 2016, Tulsi resigned from the DNC to back Bernie, in large part due to the rigged debates.
Does Bernie have the moral integrity to do the same for her ?
She might be looking at the VP slot.
  • oeb11
  • 08-28-2019, 09:21 AM
Bernie - and "Moral integrity"
Totally separate Venn diagram circles.
Bernie - and "Moral integrity"
Totally separate Venn diagram circles. Originally Posted by oeb11
Illusion of moral integrity ? Kind of like political IOP.

If he backs Tulsi he can claim 'Integrity' against the system. and, it is well known that the DNC screwed him over in the last election. He might like some payback.

As she has demonstrated against Kamala, Tulsi would be a great ' hatchet man' for taking Bernies competitors such as Biden and Warren down a few notches during the debates.

Having a non-white female as his VP plays into the lefts identity politics quite nicely.

Her traditional Hinduism is new agey enough to appeal to progressives without being as looney as Williamson.

His risk is that if she gets on stage she might take him down.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Illusion of moral integrity ? Kind of like political IOP. Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
Damn it Joey, you owe me a keyboard as I spilled my coffee laughing at that.

You are so right, and so wrong at the same time. Kind of like zombies in bed.
Damn it Joey, you owe me a keyboard as I spilled my coffee laughing at that.

You are so right, and so wrong at the same time. Kind of like zombies in bed. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Niko House has suggested that this video is a subtle dis at Warren precisely on the integrity issue :

... And, I'm sure your keyboard has more then coffee stains on it. Might be interesting under UV.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Tulsi would be a great ' hatchet man' for taking Bernies competitors such as Biden and Warren down a few notches during the debates.

His risk is that if she gets on stage she might take him down. Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
Tulsi didn't qualify for the debates ahead, why do you mention this??

she could theoretically qualify in October, but it's not realistic to think it will happen. she didn't qualify for September's debate.

I do think she would be a good VP choice for Bernie.

by the way, since there are only 10 Debate qualifiers (thus one night) for Houston, I hope the debate will be extended an hour.
Tulsi didn't qualify for the debates ahead, why do you mention this??

she could theoretically qualify in October, but it's not realistic to think it will happen. she didn't qualify for September's debate.

I do think she would be a good VP choice for Bernie.

by the way, since there are only 10 Debate qualifiers (thus one night) for Houston, I hope the debate will be extended an hour. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Long shot idea inspired by this video :

I doubt that Bern has the integrity to step out of his current front runner place , and boycott the debates, to help her as she supported him.

I would like to see her go after Warren. Maybe the DNC is afraid Tulsi would body slam Pocantas like she did Kamala Toe.

It's obvious that the game is rigged.
Niko House has suggested that this video is a subtle dis at Warren precisely on the integrity issue :

... And, I'm sure your keyboard has more then coffee stains on it. Might be interesting under UV. Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
Tulsi just might be America's Daughter. Bernie doesn't have the guts to support this girl. In fact none of the Democrat contenders can hold a candle to Tulsi Gabbard. In my opinion she's the Democrat version of Donal Trump just not as mean. She scares the shit out of these Socialist twink Democrats.
Tulsi just might be America's Daughter. Bernie doesn't have the guts to support this girl. In fact none of the Democrat contenders can hold a candle to Tulsi Gabbard. In my opinion she's the Democrat version of Donal Trump just not as mean. She scares the shit out of these Socialist twink Democrats. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Trump won largely because people were tired of the same ol' shit and wanted someone other then professional politicians and lawyers in gummint.

Tulsi, and to some extent AOC, are part of the same phenomena.

I find it interesting that, even in these forums where people are often attacking each other, usually with shitty sophomoric memes, there seems to be an openness to, if not actual support, for Tulsi.

And not just because of that hot workout video.

We could use a bridge builder now. And not just Scherie Murray.
Trump won largely because people were tired of the same ol' shit and wanted someone other then professional politicians and lawyers in gummint.

Tulsi, and to some extent AOC, are part of the same phenomena.

I find it interesting that, even in these forums where people are often attacking each other, usually with shitty sophomoric memes, there seems to be an openness to, if not actual support, for Tulsi.

And not just because of that hot workout video.

We could use a bridge builder now. And not just Scherie Murray. Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
I give credit where it is due. Gabbard isn't going to change her political stance just to appease her party.
Chung Tran's Avatar
even in these forums where people are often attacking each other, usually with shitty sophomoric memes Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
you need to direct me to one or two of those posts.. are they hidden somewhere?

I like what I know about Tulsi, but I don't think she has a broad enough background to handle a Presidency. I could say it would work, if she surrounded herself with a strong Cabinet that she would welcome advice from.. but that never seems to happen with any President.
themystic's Avatar
Trump won largely because people were tired of the same ol' shit and wanted someone other then professional politicians and lawyers in gummint.

Tulsi, and to some extent AOC, are part of the same phenomena.

I find it interesting that, even in these forums where people are often attacking each other, usually with shitty sophomoric memes, there seems to be an openness to, if not actual support, for Tulsi.

And not just because of that hot workout video.

We could use a bridge builder now. And not just Scherie Murray. Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
Good post Joey. Now people are sick of Trump. He has taken "lying politician" to a level that is embarrassing to the United States. His conduct with Putin is unexplainable. If the Democrats pick a Socialist Trump will win
Hey guys, let’s not forget that on the vast majority of issues, Tulsi is a flaming liberal.

She is a veteran, good looking, and once you get passed that new age Hindu stuff, she seems pretty bright.

But she is STILL a hardcore liberal. She has all of the makings of being a female Jimmy Carter.
Hey guys, let’s not forget that on the vast majority of issues, Tulsi is a flaming liberal.

She is a veteran, good looking, and once you get passed that new age Hindu stuff, she seems pretty bright.

But she is STILL a hardcore liberal. She has all of the makings of being a female Jimmy Carter. Originally Posted by Jackie S
For the most part all the Democrat Candidates are Hardcore Liberals. Tulsi Gabbard just isn't as goofy as the rest of them. Joe Biden is a company man, he'll be whatever the DNC wants him to be. The reason why he's the front runner is because he's the easiest to control. At the end of the day they are all political casualties.