More money for grocerys

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A man comes home on Thursday and asked his wife what was for dinner in which she replied nothing, you don't give me enough money.
He told her that was bullshit and they start to argue.
Well after a little bit he walks over to a full length mirror and pulls a $100.00 bill out of his pocket and points in the mirror and says that's your $100.00 in the mirror and holds up the bill and Say's this one is mine and then he walks away.

Well four days later the husband comes home and See's steaks, pork chops, roasts, bacon just all kinds of food on the counter and he asked her were she got all the groceries and she walks over to that same mirror, raises her dress up and point's in the mirror and said that pussy in the mirror belongs to you then she rubs he pussy a little smiles at him and Say's this pussy belongs to the butcher.
Geeze, I was a butcher for 35 years and all I got was cash! Guess I shoulda' asked.
damn it