weather in texas... hot with a chance of sweaty penis

benny9770's Avatar
I thought Chicago got some crazy weather in the summer.

Still trying to figure out what this weather icon on the today show was for Texas.

Looks with a sweating dick stroking himself and blowing his load on Dallas! Doggy style days all this week!
PaganGuy's Avatar
Hey now, Ive only lived here a year but I do believe 'messin with Texas' is a felony of some sort. Did have to take to commando more often with the uber-summers here, last thing Mr Happy needs is more insulation.
benny9770's Avatar
no messing with Texas. Just wondering what kind of weather you have if you look at that icon!
  • Paven
  • 08-29-2010, 03:28 PM
Well thankfully it's not as hot as last year, but it's still hot!
Yeah a sweaty penis isn't too zesty lol.
PLEASE gents if its too hot, carry baby wipes.
no sweaty penises, i have high blood pressure!