MY GF is escorting?

champr199's Avatar
im sure this has been discussed but here it is again.

Pretty sure my GF is escorting or at a minimum maybe has sugar daddy.
I want to approach her about it but was hoping to find an ad or something first to know what i got into..

I will be scheduling my test with the DR tomorrow as well. I cant say alot since i have partaking before but my instincts were pointing me in this direction. And after noticing patterns im about 90% sure.

I doubt tineye will find it with any pics i have of her.
She stays at my house for days and most nights and we date regularly . She has even moved some of her stuff to my place.

So now what? do i ask leading questions to see if she lies?
I do like her and i know escorts have relationships too but not sure im ready for that.

Also i have kids on certain days so maybe im just an easy target
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 06-27-2017, 06:11 PM
Just tell her you are on here and see what reaction you get.
Let us know her Eccie handle if you find it out, so we can all fuck your girlfriend.

Remember, sharing is caring!
wizzzzzbang's Avatar
If she is, she won't quit. Speaking from experience. When I drew the line in the sand, she crossed it. She wanted to hobby and I wasn't cool with it. Whatever for me, but if it means something to you, just be prepared. It's a lot of money and freedom for young chicks and in spite of what they want you to believe, there's an element of excitement to it as well.

It cost me a 10 month relationship, but I'm not gonna share a g/f.

My 2 cents.
First I would say...if you're could you fault her for doing the same?

Most boyfriends don't understand that the hobby for most women is strictly business...even if you see flirty texts...its still business...

You have to understand that she's probably doing it for survival...

Maybe she found out you were hobbying.... And that's how she started?

This is a really tricky situation....

Glad it's not me in this situation...but i have been there before and it really sucks to have to explain wtf is going on...

She's likely ashamed or embarrassed and would never want to tell you..

I would like to know...what signs do you have that she might be escorting? What clues would a girl give off that she's doing that sort of thing...

Very interesting topic....

Fyi: sometimes open relationships work if they are discussed in detail and both parties can be agreeable to the terms...
lda523287's Avatar
What patterns make you 90% sure? I wouldn't speculate, as you may be wrong, I'm not saying you are. You do care for her, I'd tread very carefully here without facts.
oldmarine's Avatar
I dated a provider for two and a half years and it was not easy. There were plenty of times when I wished that I did not know. Emotionally I would have been better off not knowing. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Reverseheadstock's Avatar
I dated a provider for two and a half years and it was not easy. There were plenty of times when I wished that I did not know. Emotionally I would have been better off not knowing. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Originally Posted by oldmarine
I was in those shoes. I just did my best when it was her and I alone in any kinf of romantic one on one situation. You know, candles, wine, music, just the two of us with movies, or talking or giggling, or nakedness... I just did my very best to show her in no uncertain terms tha I was the guy who give her the dirtiest raunchiest kinkiest everloving fucking she could find. I think she turned lesbian and moved back in with her mom. Maybe I should have tried talking more. Maybe I should have taken that desk job and been a 9 to 5 guy. Anywho, she ain't here and OP, you got some thinking to do.
The last thing an escort is gonna want is fucking....i can't speak for us all...but

She's may want the things her clients can't or won't do.....

That's what I've always thought about the men I was dating while escorting...i wanted the normal talking, cuddling, watching tv, a good listener, empathetic and sympathetic ear if you will...

Someone who isn't after her to fulfill a sexual desire..

Real intimacy...someone who can show you sometime different than the hobby... that you aren't a product with a price tag...

Lots of times I didn't want my client to leave...and sometimes you want someone that wants to be with you for you...and not because they paid you.
champr199's Avatar
So i was in hobby at end of my marriage havent hobbied since. Ive only been with gf for 3 months Signs are obvious delays in response on my days i have kids. alot of money issues. Has one car one week another next week . Towards beginning of dating she was going to not see me as often she said (while somewhat drunk) due to her work. Few trips here and there with very few details. one visit recently i looked through her overnight bag to find a small bag with about 5 assorted size condoms we don't use. Found receipt for condoms also (different ones) . benefit of the doubt her female roommate is a bit promiscuous and doesn't have a car . Today i see her car at hotel. i tried to stay around to see her leave but apparently it was 2 hours as she started texting again (ignoring my text of what are you up to. im pretty sure if i do bring it up she will leave immediately but maybe i just need to try to not have feelings and just bang away . :/ Guess she has rea appetite for sex as we do it for 2 or 3 hours sometimes twice a day .. ugg
Unless you are 100% sure you can handle the answer, I'd leave it alone. If you do ask are you prepared to pick up the slack on the money side if she stops? This really is JUST business for the most part. Women can compartmentalize just like men can. Think long and hard OP. Once it's really out there there is no going back.
champr199's Avatar
Thanks Kendall . Its odd because one of my good friends im pretty sure is in similar relationship for 3 or 4 years (don't know if he knows she is or not but again im 95% sure she is escort. (friends gf)

for me i do care i know her friends her family and spend days out weekends etc.. I could pick up some of her expenses im sure but that's not knowing how often she does it. Damn sometimes its to good to be true. I hope after seeing the hotel thing tonight i don't have performance issues wondering what she got earlier in the day.
So i was in hobby at end of my marriage havent hobbied since. Ive only been with gf for 3 months Signs are obvious delays in response on my days i have kids. alot of money issues. Has one car one week another next week . Towards beginning of dating she was going to not see me as often she said (while somewhat drunk) due to her work. Few trips here and there with very few details. one visit recently i looked through her overnight bag to find a small bag with about 5 assorted size condoms we don't use. Found receipt for condoms also (different ones) . benefit of the doubt her female roommate is a bit promiscuous and doesn't have a car . Today i see her car at hotel. i tried to stay around to see her leave but apparently it was 2 hours as she started texting again (ignoring my text of what are you up to. im pretty sure if i do bring it up she will leave immediately but maybe i just need to try to not have feelings and just bang away . :/ Guess she has rea appetite for sex as we do it for 2 or 3 hours sometimes twice a day .. ugg Originally Posted by champr199
If you've only been with her for 3 months, then you obviously don't know her that well. It takes a lot of time to truly get to know someone and it takes more time for a person to confide in you. A lot of women aren't upfront about sexwork for good reason.

Which, If dating a sex worker is a hard limit, then stop seeing her. But at the sake for having free companionship and the occasional girlfriend to keep your bed warm at night, I'm sure you're happy to look the other way like you're doing right now.
The last thing an escort is gonna want is fucking....i can't speak for us all...but

She's may want the things her clients can't or won't do.....

That's what I've always thought about the men I was dating while escorting...i wanted the normal talking, cuddling, watching tv, a good listener, empathetic and sympathetic ear if you will...

Someone who isn't after her to fulfill a sexual desire..

Real intimacy...someone who can show you sometime different than the hobby... that you aren't a product with a price tag...

Lots of times I didn't want my client to leave...and sometimes you want someone that wants to be with you for you...and not because they paid you. Originally Posted by Analeese
First I would say...if you're could you fault her for doing the same?

Most boyfriends don't understand that the hobby for most women is strictly business...even if you see flirty texts...its still business...

You have to understand that she's probably doing it for survival...

Maybe she found out you were hobbying.... And that's how she started?

This is a really tricky situation....

Glad it's not me in this situation...but i have been there before and it really sucks to have to explain wtf is going on...

She's likely ashamed or embarrassed and would never want to tell you..

I would like to know...what signs do you have that she might be escorting? What clues would a girl give off that she's doing that sort of thing...

Very interesting topic....

Fyi: sometimes open relationships work if they are discussed in detail and both parties can be agreeable to the terms... Originally Posted by Analeese
This. This. Just all of this. +1000
Fuck i wish my girlfriend would escort! But i wouldn't want my wife to find out that she is....