gotta get a blood same and your credit score

so Ive been around and since covid, whenever I have not been active and somewhat before that cause, well, this is a hobby and I do other stuff

so I tried to see a Eccie member while back and she was like
your p411 account has 13 oks but that doesnt mean SHT cause you havent seen anyone is like 2 yrs
I gotta screen you

screen me for what? because you think what? I became a cop, yet p4 accounts cause ?

provider wanted my DL and real email, real phone number


how does any of that stuff HELP you know I'm "Safe"?

no answer

I did see a p411 member, she care
so whats the deal ?
no, she never got my eccie screenname(it was offered)

I talked to her via text and thru P411
what does giving a provider RW info to help "screen"

that P4 or even eccie doesnt?
what is the fear?
I mean a lot could happen or your account could have gotten swiped. As an anxious dude I'm not gonna worry about someone being cautious. The criminality can lead to folks being unable to report anything done to them because theyd getin trouble.
Get Lucky's Avatar
OP makes some valid points. I, myself, have been removed from the hobby for a bit due to tHe COVID impact.

But, I am now thinking of trying to re-enter the hobby and preparing myself for the screening challenges that lie ahead.

Anyway, I get both sides. Everyone needs to feel safe. It’s a balancing act.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
... or your account could have gotten swiped... Originally Posted by ughiphopfan
This has actually occurred. Right here in KC and also down in Louisiana.
The screening that the ladies do for their security is their sole decision.
References inside 3 months is quite common. Without that, newbie or real world screening has become quite common.
In dont blame any of these girls.
Sucks but if you cant pass what they require move on.

Btw I think the op meant "sample"
DallasRain's Avatar
a safe screening ensures a safe and fun playtime!!
I mean a lot could happen or your account could have gotten swiped. As an anxious dude I'm not gonna worry about someone being cautious. The criminality can lead to folks being unable to report anything done to them because theyd getin trouble. Originally Posted by ughiphopfan
I agree, providers can do whatever they want
Im just seeking logic

Im on p411, but she needed my phone number, DOB. etc

how does having that info help her?

I offered my FB account, to friend her,

a safe screening ensures a safe and fun playtime!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
I am all for safe
I am all in support of a provider doing what it takes to be safe

I could not outcall to some dudes place without having met him before

but Im just curious how the info she asked for makes her safe?
oh well.
I'll get back in the saddle at some point
Without that, newbie or real world screening has become quite common. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

that's part of what I am curious about: how does RW info make her safe?
I think the big issue was no one to call to confirm Im "cool" cause calling another provider is the best way to know I'm "cool"

I did offer to exchance FB friendships.
no dice

that's part of what I am curious about: how does RW info make her safe?
I think the big issue was no one to call to confirm Im "cool" cause calling another provider is the best way to know I'm "cool"

I did offer to exchance FB friendships.
no dice Originally Posted by timmystool
With a little information, a person can run a background check and find out of you have an arrest record (look for violent crimes. restraining orders, domestic abuse - i.e. violence against women).

Obviously, not 100% effective, but it should help.

Also, that same information, would make you easy to track down should something happen. A deterrent. A dead man's switch, if you will.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
The RW info helps a ton, but I'm shocked how unresourceful some of these ladies are. Some of the gals I've known were able to check court records, LinkedIn accounts and other social media just with a name, phone number and email addy. Likewise, I've been able to dig up a wealth of RW provider info using the same type of info. Shit, my phone does it for me when I save a provider contact and then FB suggest they should be my friend. Ain't nobody anonymous, gents, which makes me think how much a hooker has you by the balls if you get sideways with her.
which makes me think how much a hooker has you by the balls if you get sideways with her. Originally Posted by CaptainKaos
Which reminds me as to why its never a good idea to get into it with a hooker.
Just best to walk away
Tin't nobody anonymous, gents, which makes me think how much a hooker has you by the balls if you get sideways with her. Originally Posted by CaptainKaos

depends if you have anything to lose

family, running for office, etc

so giving a hooker RW info isnt safe

how does exposing my info to her help her be "safe"?

is it a "hurt me" and I'll "fuk ur life " threat?
JRLawrence's Avatar
so Ive been around and since covid, whenever I have not been active and somewhat before that cause, well, this is a hobby and I do other stuff

so I tried to see a Eccie member while back and she was like
your p411 account has 13 oks but that doesnt mean SHT cause you havent seen anyone is like 2 yrs
I gotta screen you

screen me for what? because you think what? I became a cop, yet p4 accounts cause ?

provider wanted my DL and real email, real phone number


how does any of that stuff HELP you know I'm "Safe"?

no answer

I did see a p411 member, she care
so whats the deal ?
no, she never got my eccie screenname(it was offered)

I talked to her via text and thru P411
what does giving a provider RW info to help "screen"

that P4 or even eccie doesnt?
what is the fear? Originally Posted by timmystool

I am trying to think of a really nice way to tell her to go fuck herself: because no one else will - with all of this nonsense.
dumars's Avatar
You, I and certainly others know of at least one person who has a record of abusing personal information. DON’T WE? And they are not a man, is she?

I give first name only. If asked for last name, my response is “what’s your first and last name?”. ABSOLUTELY NEVER drivers license, except for WELL ESTABLISHED ladies, unless heavily edited/masked!! NEVER a “real” phone or email until after the first engagement! The last lady I reviewed still has my real number and I still have hers. I have not and will not give her number to anyone, hopefully she has returned the favor!

Might be wrong but I hear cops have drivers licenses, credit cards, emails, car loans, mortgages too!!

Bottom line, trust is a two way street!!! Don’t push it! As it is there are 4 ladies on ECCIE I would give my full name to right now. But even they would not get my real mail or phone until there’s been some kind of engagement!!

a safe screening ensures a safe and fun playtime!! Originally Posted by DallasRain