h.c vs. bengazee.....

it looks like h.c. will meet the bengazee question head on....
what happens if she answers all the questions and the american people say we're feed up with this crap....it's all extremely old business....let's move on to todays' problems instead of rehashing bengazee....
so teapublican right wingers....please don't quit with bengazee....keep it up and come '16 most people will hear the word bengazee and yawn....

Clinton's Benghazi Strategy a Clear Sign: She's Running
By Chuck Todd and Mark Murray

Former Secretary of State Hillary has an entire chapter of her upcoming book devoted to the controversial 2012 attack in Benghazi, and is deploying surrogates to defend her handling of it – perhaps the clearest signs yet that she’s planning to run for the White House in 2016.

The reason: She’s dealing with this story now, she’s swatting back at her critics and her team has hired a team including a prominent former Obama spokesman to lead the public-relations effort.

Politico first reported on Clinton’s book having a detailed account of the Benghazi attack, and in it, Clinton fires back at her Republican critics. “Those who exploit this tragedy over and over as a political tool minimize the sacrifice of those who served our country,” Clinton writes in the chapter titled, “Benghazi: Under Attack.”

She adds, “I will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans. It’s just plain wrong, and it’s unworthy of our great country. Those who insist on politicizing the tragedy will have to do so without me.”

What’s more here, NBC News has obtained guidance and instructions that advisers to Hillary Clinton are sending to top supporters in Washington and New York on this Benghazi chapter of her book. Per this guidance that was sent this morning, HillaryLand 1) confirms the quotations in the Politico story; 2) says that Democratic strategist Kiki McLean has been tasked by Team Clinton to help deploy and prep TV surrogates, including former diplomats; and 3) confirms that former Obama national-security spokesman Tommy Vietor is assisting the effort.

Bottom line: When it comes to Benghazi, Team Clinton has decided to deal with it now -- with the hope that they can say, “We’ve answered every single question.” Indeed, guess which network Clinton will discuss her new book with on June 17? None other than Fox News
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't know what hip hop club you fell out of but we try (repeat, TRY) to use correct spelling, grammar, and escew popular slang.

Considering that you are defending an administration that continually goes back six to ten years to place blame your position is very weak for an unresolved terrorist attack that needlessly murdered four Americans less than three years ago. The statute on murder has no expiration date. How about that six billion that Hillary misplaced while secretary? Seems that they can't use the worn out and refuted excuse that the GOP was responsible for Benghazi because of budget restraints.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't know what hip hop club you fell out of but we try (repeat, TRY) to use correct spelling, grammar, and escew popular slang. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn


How many popes in the pizza, JDIDIOT? Yours is one of the most laughable statements I've seen here in quite a while!

Thanks for the chuckle.
lustylad's Avatar
Hey assup, aren't you supposed to roll your eyes and moan "ooohh nooohh, not ANOTHER Benghazi thread!"

Oh wait, this one isn't from one of the usual conservative suspects... In that case, you should eschew commenting...
lustylad's Avatar
Gee, what a brilliant idea to let Tommy Vietor lead this effort... he'll make everything go away!

"Dude, that was like two years ago." - Tommy Vietor to Bret Baier

"Dude, that was like 10 years ago." - Osama bin Laden to Seal Team Six

"Dude, that was like 60 years ago." - Robert Byrd re. his KKK membership

"Dude, that was like over 200 years ago." - Eric Holder re. the First Amendment

"Dude, that was like 200 blowjobs ago." - Bill Clinton to Ken Starr

"Dude, we only received it like two years ago." - IRS to Tea Parties re. tax status applications

"Dude, where's my car?" - Teddy Kennedy at Chappaquiddick

Gee, what a brilliant idea to let Tommy Vietor lead this effort... he'll make everything go away!

"Dude, that was like two years ago." - Tommy Vietor to Bret Baier

"Dude, that was like 10 years ago." - Osama bin Laden to Seal Team Six

"Dude, that was like 60 years ago." - Robert Byrd re. his KKK membership

"Dude, that was like over 200 years ago." - Eric Holder re. the First Amendment

"Dude, that was like 200 blowjobs ago." - Bill Clinton to Ken Starr

"Dude, we only received it like two years ago." - IRS to Tea Parties re. tax status applications

"Dude, where's my car?" - Teddy Kennedy at Chappaquiddick

Originally Posted by lustylad

Yssup Rider's Avatar
another circle jerk...

So glad I stopped in...
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I don't know what hip hop club you fell out of but we try (repeat, TRY) to use correct spelling, grammar, and escew popular slang.

Considering that you are defending an administration that continually goes back six to ten years to place blame your position is very weak for an unresolved terrorist attack that needlessly murdered four Americans less than three years ago. The statute on murder has no expiration date. How about that six billion that Hillary misplaced while secretary? Seems that they can't use the worn out and refuted excuse that the GOP was responsible for Benghazi because of budget restraints. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You don't have a clue. do you?
1 Checking for spelling and grammar now? I guess when you have nothing else, any port in a storm. We'll be sure to point out all of your errors.
2 Defending the administration? He posed a valid question. What happens if nothing new comes out and H. Clinton's foes won't let go? He was right. Anyone who brings up Benghazi in 16 will be ignored. Because it's been discussed to death. With nothing new.
3 The administration only goes back to address valid critics. It happens sometimes but not that often at this point. On this board we constantly go back 6 to 10 years. Because non-valid critics like you try to place any blame you can.
4 Weak position for an unresolved terrorist attack? To the same degree many other attacks are unresolved? What position? He made a statement that any rational liberal or conservative could have made. If nothing new is found, anyone who brings it up in 2016 will be wasting time on a non-issue instead of focusing of important issues. Fewer and fewer republicans support more hearings.
5 Earth to douche-bag. Post a link where they blame the gop for what happened. Not as a contributing factor. One that places all blame on the gop like you have claimed.

Bottom line? You tried to hijack the thread. You ignored his question, attacked and claimed he did something he clearly did not do, added your own content to the thread that really has nothing to do with the op, and then lied about the democrats placing sole blame on the gop.

In other words, a typical jd post.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Munchie and his friends flailing while looking for a thought.

Munchmasterman's Avatar

Munchie and his friends flailing while looking for a thought. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Gone for a month and you come back even more stupid than before.

You tried to hijack the thread once and were soundly bitch-slapped for the attempt.

Now you try again without addressing a single point of my post.

And because you can't address them, you call organized points, whether they be wrong or right, flailing.

Another bottom line.
If you truly believe what you're saying then you lack the intelligence to post even on a hooker board. This is America so feel free to continue to put your finger painting on the refrigerator door.
If you're just trying to form some type of response when it is obvious you should have taken your lumps and learned from them, then you didn't learn from them.

You take the 5th?
What a douche-bag.
I don't know where Stevepar gets his information, but it is very wrong. HC has made it very clear she has NO intention to engage in Benghazi investigations...


Hillary Clinton in her upcoming book “Hard Choices” casts doubt on the motivations of Republicans who have continued to investigate the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and says she won’t be part of the “political slugfest.” Politico obtained the Benghazi chapter of the book, in which the potential presidential candidate says to her critics: “Those who insist on politicizing the tragedy will have to do so without me.”
The new committee will have to call Darrel Issa's committee to see if they are hiding anything.
We all know what happened at Benghazi. All the American Voters need to decide if they want someone as President who showed such naïveté, such arrogance, and such downright stupidity as Mrs Bill Clinton showed through out the entire debacle.
If everyone knows what happened at Benghazi why are there still investigating it?