Dealing with unsolicited Democratic Texts

I've already gotten a few. The misses has too. They're usually: I'm John with the Texans For Democratic Progress Committee. Are you voting for Biden or Trump this election?

This is how I reply: I'm voting for Biden.

Now this next response is very important. Text:
Please send me mail in ballots.

Every ballot we take out of their hands counts against Biden and for the President.

The ends justifies the means. I'm tired of this shit.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I've already gotten a few. The misses has too. They're usually: I'm John with the Texans For Democratic Progress Committee. Are you voting for Biden or Trump this election?

This is how I reply: I'm voting for Biden.

Now this next response is very important. Text:
Please send me mail in ballots.

Every ballot we take out of their hands counts against Biden and for the President.

The ends justifies the means. I'm tired of this shit. Originally Posted by gnadfly

lol mounting a disinformation campaign are ya? they'll fall for it hook, line and sinker. i've gotten a few from "Beto O'Dork's organization" .. whatever the fuck that is .. i didn't bother to reply.

then a few weeks back someone actually called me .. once again claiming to be part of .. "Beto O'Dork's organization". i usually don't answer strange numbers, this was a Texas area code, 512 which is Austin so i answered it for the fun of it to see who was calling. they asked who i'd be voting for .. for a moment i did consider exactly what you did, give false Intel. but i couldn't resist telling the caller .. "Donald Trump!"

he replied "well that sounds firm, thanks for your input".

i hung up without saying another word.

LexusLover's Avatar
I've already gotten a few. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I just say "No"! And I'm a Democrat!
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2020, 04:02 PM
Pretend to be old, and Biden senile - and ask them to send a representative to your home to pick up a donation.

Give them the local PD substation address.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I get them almost weekly.
All wanting me to vote for Texas Dim here or there.
I've done the I need a ride thing, OK where do we pick you up.
I've done the mail thing, OK what precinct and your address we'll get that to you.
So I've done this 4 or 5 times, honestly I've lost count.

Here's the punch line:
I'm three states away.
The silence when they figure that out is golden.
But, they don't take my phone # off whatever list the Dims are passing around.
LexusLover's Avatar
A problem with their intrusion is ....

.... it assumes one votes a straight ticket.

Pretend to be ..."old, and Biden senile" .....
... just say "DRUNK AS SHIT"!

What is increasingly sad .... that's the BEST the DNC can put up!
Gotyour6's Avatar
Just say that either way your vote wont be counted or it will be mailed in voting for Biden any way so what difference does it make.

My father voted Republican till the day he died.
Then he started voting Democrat
I've already gotten a few. The misses has too. They're usually: I'm John with the Texans For Democratic Progress Committee. Are you voting for Biden or Trump this election?

This is how I reply: I'm voting for Biden.

Now this next response is very important. Text:
Please send me mail in ballots.

Every ballot we take out of their hands counts against Biden and for the President.

The ends justifies the means. I'm tired of this shit. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I’m going to do that!
pfunkdenver's Avatar
I hope you guys realize that a mail-in ballot is specifically for the voter who requests it. No one else can use it.

So this statement: "Every ballot we take out of their hands counts against Biden and for the President." is just stupidity on your part. You're not taking anything, out of anyone's hands.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Someone is confused, eh? I don’t blames you.

What a sneaky pete he is.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You're either stupid or lying.

I take that back. This isn't an either or situation.

You are a stupid liar.

]If anyone is sending those texts it's the trumpys.
Despite what the orange douche-bag says there are numerous safeguards in place to make voting by mail safe.

You flap your gums and say what your masters tell you to say.

They (trump and co.) want you to piss off your fellow trumpys.
You of course can look up a false flag operation (personally, I think you're a lying fuck and you have gotten no such texts) which is pure trump.

Who else would be stupid enough to believe you can vote or request a ballot by text? Other than the lls and obewan I should say. What a bunch of morons.

"Application for a Ballot by Mail
To be eligible to vote early by mail in Texas, you must:

be 65 years or older;
be disabled;
be out of the county on election day and during the period for early voting by personal appearance; or
be confined in jail, but otherwise eligible.
Instructions for submitting an Application for Ballot by Mail (“ABBM”):
Print (PDF) the ABBM form
OR submit an order online and an ABBM will be mailed to you.
Complete Sections 1 through 8.
Sign and Date Section 10.
If you were unable to sign the application and someone witnessed your signature, that person must complete Section 11.
If someone helped you complete the application or mailed the application for you, that person must complete Section 11.
Affix postage.

If you printed the application you must place it in your own envelope and add postage.
If you ordered the application online and it was mailed to you - fold the application in half, moisten top tab, seal and add postage.
Address and mail the completed ABBM to the Early Voting Clerk in your county. You may also fax the application if a fax machine is available in the early voting clerk’s office. You also have the option of submitting a scanned copy of the completed and signed application to the Early Voting Clerk via email. If an ABBM is faxed or emailed, then the original, hard copy of the application MUST be mailed and received by the early voting clerk no later than the 4th business day.

The Early Voting Clerk is the County Clerk or Elections Administrator for your county
Contact information, including fax numbers if available, and email addresses for the Early Voting Clerks are available on this website.

Military and overseas voters are welcome to use the regular registration and early voting by mail process available to all voters away from their home county on Election Day. However, there are also special provisions for military and overseas voters.

For more information, please read the Early Voting in Texas pamphlet."

Yes, I'm tired of your bullshit too.

You have no "ends" other than putting the golfing, TV watching liar back in office. He is willing to screw up delivery of medication that many seniors need, official correspondence with the government and other things that relies on the mail.
Of course we already know what you think of seniors. You say fuck them. You don't care if you're spreading the viruses (herpes, HPV, covid-19). Keep telling everyone those are just cold sores.
All to steal the election.

The majority of America know trumpys are scum.

The voters will treat you accordingly.

I've already gotten a few. The misses has too. They're usually: I'm John with the Texans For Democratic Progress Committee. Are you voting for Biden or Trump this election?

This is how I reply: I'm voting for Biden.

Now this next response is very important. Text:
Please send me mail in ballots.

Every ballot we take out of their hands counts against Biden and for the President.OOOh. You're so fucking smart! This post of your's could win the election by itself!!! Especially the "next response is very important" part. LOL! What a tool.

The ends justifies the means. I'm tired of this shit. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Of course you are.
Do it a bunch of times.

What a douche-bag.

PS Sorry I didn't mention you with the other assholes in my post. How could I forget the king of dick-sucking.
I’m going to do that! Originally Posted by friendly fred
  • Tiny
  • 08-16-2020, 10:27 PM
Don't know about Biden and the Democrats, but I get one or two messages a day from Donald J. Trump plus one or two from affiliated parties, like The Official Trump Campaign, Eric Trump, Trump's campaign manager, and Trump Match Alert.

Trump Match Alert is the most entertaining. For example, a few weeks ago, President Trump himself selected me as the Weekly Trump Patriot Match Winner!!! I just needed to contribute in less than 2 hours from when I received the message:

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve won the Weekly Trump Patriot 500%-MATCH!

Every week President Trump selects one of his BEST supporters to receive an exclusive 500%-MATCH, and this week, it’s YOU.

This offer is only available to you for the NEXT 2 HOURS, (name removed). After that, it will expire and your matching offer will be invalid.

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT in the NEXT 2 HOURS and your gift will automatically be 500%-MATCHED. >>


SUPPORTER: (removed)

CONTRIBUTE $42 = $252
CONTRIBUTE $250 = $1500
CONTRIBUTE $100 = $600
CONTRIBUTE $50 = $300
CONTRIBUTE $42 = $252

President Trump knows that you’ve been a loyal supporter, which is why he selected YOU for this opportunity.

He wants to know the moment you make your contribution, so don’t wait.

Just contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY for a 500%-MATCH.

Thank you,

Team Trump 2020

So all you pricks who accused me of being a Trump hater can stuff this up your ass. The president selected ME! Not you, he picked ME.

Seriously, I've never contributed to Trump but have to some Republican candidates for Congress (as well as one Democrat and one Libertarian). That's how they would have gotten my email address. There's no way I'm donating to Trump's campaign, but ironically his is the only one bombarding me with spam. The messages I get from others, the ones I actually contributed to, are few and far between. Anyway, I've got to give the Trump campaign credit for following up on other peoples sales leads.
Of course you are.
Do it a bunch of times.

What a douche-bag.

PS Sorry I didn't mention you with the other assholes in my post. How could I forget the king of dick-sucking.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Are you too stupid to realize they are trying changing those rules and procedures on voting in many other states or are you the liar?
I too get unsolicited Trump and Repubican support texts even though I have NEVER registered with or contributed to EITHER political party. As I have stated, I am an independent that doesn't support Trump, but do have many far right leaning friends, and suspect one may have added my name to the Republican text list as a fun way to "poke" at me. I'd be one of the last they'd knowingly add to their text chain. All in fun...delete,delete,delete..
.why get upset or make a fuss?