POLITICO Sanders defends Harris as vice presidential pick

  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2020, 05:37 PM

LSM is painting K harris as "moderate" - but she has one of the most 'liberal /progressive" voting records in Congress. For - open borders. Soylent Green New Deal, no medicare for nobody, and on and on. For Trillions of dollars of wasteful spending on social justice causes - including 'reparations' - a huge tax increases which won't begin to pay for any of the Progressive totalitarian's wet dreams.
Bernie is a card carrying member of the communist party - spent his honeymoon in the old USSR plotting Marxist overthrow of America.
Bernie's endorsement and approval of harris makes it clear they are two of a kind - radical Marxists committed to overthrow of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

elect Biden - Your vote for Biden- harris will create Civil War in America.

And - perhaps it is needed to sort things out and kick out the DPST's so intent on destroying the country.

Sanders defends Harris as vice presidential pick

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) defended Sen. Kamala Harris on Sunday, saying that despite Democratic Party infighting over policy proposals, a majority of progressives understand the importance of defeating President Donald Trump come November.
© berniesanders.com/Getty Images “I think she's an asset for the Biden campaign, and I think she's going to do great on the campaign trail,” he said of the California senator on ABC’s “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos. Sanders spoke highly of Joe Biden’s vice presidential pick, noting that she’s “incredibly smart [and] incredibly tough.”
“I think she's an asset for the Biden campaign, and I think she's going to do great on the campaign trail,” he said of the California senator on ABC’s “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos.
But some progressives — particularly those who supported Sanders in the 2016 and 2020 Democratic primaries — disagreed with the decision to pick Harris, some citing her prosecutorial past as an issue, saying it doesn’t meet the moment with Black Lives Matter protests in full swing.
Sanders‘ former national press secretary, Brianna Joy Gray, took to Twitter to call out the decision, stating: “The contempt for the base is, wow.“
When asked about the differing reactions within his own base, Sanders said, “The overwhelming majority of progressives understand that it is absolutely imperative that Donald Trump be defeated.”
“A lot of my supporters are not enthusiastic about Joe Biden. You know why? I ran against Joe Biden,” Sanders said.
“But I think there is overwhelming understanding that Donald Trump must be defeated, Biden must be elected. And that the day after he's elected we're going to do everything we can to create a government that works for all of us and not the 1 percent and wealthy campaign contributors.”
Sanders will speak Monday night in support of the Biden ticket at the Democratic National Convention.
HedonistForever's Avatar
It is amusing. She was an early flame out in the primaries because nobody liked her, Progressive or Moderates which she is not. Now all of a sudden it's "great pick". She wasn't even the best Black female choice IMHO.

She won't add a state since California is already voting Biden. She won't bring any additional Black vote that wasn't already voting for Biden, as a matter of fact, I can pretty much guarantee she will lose the Democrat Mary Jane vote for locking up all the brothers and sisters for doing the very same thing she was doing "and enjoying it". And maybe even lose the "pissed at law enforcement vote" which for both reasons, I thought he would pick Rice who had her own baggage but that was just a liar so no big deal there.

Pence will have a lot of ammunition, whether he can put it to good use is anybodies guess, he doesn't exactly light up the stage and if he calls his wife "mother" I'm going to lose my shit. A little sarcasm to lighten the mood.
HoeHummer's Avatar
The sky is falling. The sky is falling!

On yous!

LOLLING at Yankee ex-pats to be.
It is amusing. She was an early flame out in the primaries because nobody liked her, Progressive or Moderates which she is not. Now all of a sudden it's "great pick". She wasn't even the best Black female choice IMHO.

She won't add a state since California is already voting Biden. She won't bring any additional Black vote that wasn't already voting for Biden, as a matter of fact, I can pretty much guarantee she will lose the Democrat Mary Jane vote for locking up all the brothers and sisters for doing the very same thing she was doing "and enjoying it". And maybe even lose the "pissed at law enforcement vote" which for both reasons, I thought he would pick Rice who had her own baggage but that was just a liar so no big deal there.

Pence will have a lot of ammunition, whether he can put it to good use is anybodies guess, he doesn't exactly light up the stage and if he calls his wife "mother" I'm going to lose my shit. A little sarcasm to lighten the mood. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Joe Biden had no say so in picking Kamala Harris, it was the DNC that appointed her.Biden and Harris are not a good mix either she ragged the shit out of Biden during the debates. There is absolutely no camaraderie between those two and it will begin to show. They are nothing but phony's. They just want to beat Trump and God forbid if they do they'll just find new and improved ways to fuck things up.
I fully expect Tulsi Gabbard to give her support to Harris any day now. They are closing their ranks.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yea she's NOT moderate DW Nomenate puts her between sanders and warren
LexusLover's Avatar
Joe Biden had no say so in picking Kamala Harris, it was the DNC that appointed her.Biden and Harris are not a good mix either she ragged the shit out of Biden during the debates. There is absolutely no camaraderie between those two and it will begin to show. They are nothing but phony's. They just want to beat Trump and God forbid if they do they'll just find new and improved ways to fuck things up. Originally Posted by Levianon17
That's why a 3-percenter got picked .... cannon fodder.
That's why a 3-percenter got picked .... cannon fodder. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The DNC thinks by picking Harris that Biden will get the Black vote. Smart Blacks won't vote for Biden. They hate Harris because she hides behind her gender and skin color. Smart Blacks know she isn't African American and doesn't share the interests the Black Community has.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Joey an Hoey
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The sky is falling. The sky is falling!

On yous!

LOLLING at Yankee ex-pats to be. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
if yous say so, Yssup Hummer Hoe Rider