ncns info on a hobbyiest not provider WOW

p411 and eccie hobbyist...

i texted the address in plenty of time for him to arrive with time to spare.
anywho,i text a few times NO REPLY... then I decided to call so 10min after hes suppose
to be here. On the last ring he answers ok then makes up a story about how hes stuck working and cant leave, keep in mind during pm's between the two of us( early in the morning) he stated numerous times he was available until 12 pm.... our scheduled appointment was for 10:15.... so i had to call he never planned to. i was so mad. i expected more but i guess you live and you learn, o well just put out an aware to everyone. ladies just info hobbyiest maybe yall can help him out a little hes a little new i noticed (imagine that knowing later on he was a newbie and a little pushy)

im new at the hobby but have never had someone be so inconsiderate to me in my life
i would not want anyone to go through a ncns... now i understand why people get so angry and take it so hard.

sorry for rambling
ladies if youd like more info pm me
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Sorry that happen to you! How can this alert help us? If he has a handle post it.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Now y'all know how we feel. Lesson learned?
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Out their ass...
dearhunter's Avatar
Post his handle
Post his handle Originally Posted by dearhunter
What the asshole said. This shit isn't cool regardless of who's doing it. Even if his excuse were true, it takes no time to send a text, e-mail or make a quick call letting you know.
willdooit's Avatar
You know shit happens but your time needs to be respected.
blowpop's Avatar
NCNS is almost always inexcusable. Post his handle so others won't waste time with him.
Post the handle. It's a 2-way street
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The lack of a courtesy call to explain the situation PRIOR to the appointment time is inexcusable.
pyramider's Avatar
Post his handle.
tyboy1's Avatar
Expose his ass. There is never an excuse on either side. A simple phone call or text is all that's needed.
dearhunter's Avatar
I guess her rant was bullshit
Yeh, I call bullshit too.

If you are going to come on here and make an accusation, it is totally meaningless unless you say who the hobbyist was. That is, unless you are going for the sympathy fuck.

Waste of bandwidth.