Hello! Maybe you folks remember me - I'm Christle Fox, and I seem to have inadvertently started some sort of virulent-diarrhea shit-storm of awesome in less than two weeks. Yay, me!!!
As it so happens, postulation has proven correct, in that this has not hurt my "business" much. I don't believe hurting my business was the intent of the staff here, or they would not have allowed me to post my very first ad ever ( I don't count my post in Welcome Wagon, or any Coed / Sandbox participation as ads, btw, although I understand why others do - that's a tangent for another day, though). The eccie staff has been nothing but kind and respectful in their official capacity to me during my membership here, and I thank them for that. I may or may not agree with their interpretation of the guideline which led to my banning, but given the confusing language, I think they did their level best. They're not being paid for this thankless job; they volunteer (or were voluntold) because they want to help. I admire that. It was neither my intention to break the rules or make their job difficult. I'd like for the various drama started by this issue to end, but I have no control over grown men (a point which I've tried to stress re: my review policy, or should I say, polite request) and women - hell, I can't even control a two year old.
I will have a lot to say at extremely random points over the next week. I may not respond to, well, ANYTHING, in a timely manner. I'm only posting this now because I've had a multitude of interested parties ask when I'll be back. The answer is: NOW. Sort of.
I will say this about rules and guidelines and punishments; if you, as members, do not agree with an interpretation or action, it's not terribly useful to rail at the moderating staff...they're just doing a job, and may be required to do it in a way they don't agree with. Everyone likes to ban assholes and bitches, but I would imagine that few people like banning sweethearts who routinely flash their tits for free. Food for thought. That said - if you feel that anything needs to change, whether it be a guideline or punishment on a favorite website, or the ability for women everywhere to breast feed in public, or the right for two people to marry regardless of sex, or the ability to protest at private funerals, or any number of flashpoint issues, the important thing is to be an activist for the things you believe in. The most useful way is to start a letter writing campaign to the people most capable of enacting change. For websites, that would the owners or admins; for political issues, that would be the media and United States representatives and Congressmen. In the private sector, money talks; in the public sector - well, money talks, but viewers and voters talk louder... Because they mean even more money. Funny how that works. So, if enough paid members / advertising bait complain about something, it makes sense that ownership will side with the majority. We see this work in corporations all the time - Chik-Fil-A is a GREAT example of this in effect.
Alright! That's about it for now... I need to get some sleep, I have a LOT of... Stuff... To do in the morning. Thank you to all of my supporters, I heart all of you!!! I will be posting titties and OTHER things as time allows... Who knows, there may even be some taint, if I ever figure out what it is!