Some things change.. some stay the same. Hobby on.

Guest092815's Avatar
I just saw that I was mentioned in Knotty man's thread about "Changing of the Guard" Since the thread is closed, I could not comment.

I am not retiring, and I am not going anywhere. I still post quite a bit, although I am "on again", "off again".
One thing is certain, Crystalkitty has not left the building! *(grin)*

To my lady friends that are leaving... thank you for your friendship and emotional support. You will be missed by many: Kat, Taylor, Sarah,....

Lastly, I will be having a small bash to celebrate Kat's retirement/"new start" sometime next week.
Please PM me if you are interested in dropping by to say hello or have a gift or donation for Kat.

Peace, love, and happy holidays to all!!

sixxbach's Avatar
One thing is certain, Crystalkitty has not left the building! *(grin)*[/B]

Hmmmm, I might have to throw you a challenge! Seriously, thanks for your contributions to the community and look forward to your future contributions....

Lastly, I will be having a small bash to celebrate Kat's retirement/"new start" sometime next week.
Please PM me if you are interested in dropping by to say hello or have a gift or donation for Kat.

Peace, love, and happy holidays to all!!

Originally Posted by Crystalkitty;832181[B
Thanks for doing this for Kat........

A very nice thing to do love!
rCoder's Avatar

Thank you for doing this for Kat. Count me in.

Merry Christmas
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
*sniff*sniff* I love you, Crystal. XOXOX. Thanks for your thoughtfulness and encouragement. I'm going to miss my friends here but will still be around to post and make an occasional visit when possible. You're not rid of me yet, Folks!

Come give me some hugs & kisses before I head off into the sunset, please. I really am sentimental and it will ease my sadness in leaving. I know Crystal & the other fine ladies of the community will be here to ease yours afterward. *ahem* Hopefully some Houston hunks will do the same for me when I'm recovered.

Thanks so much for the warm wishes everyone!
Rest assured Maxeen is still alive and well I do not post much anymore for reasons Tess mentioned in her response to the other thread.

The client base hasn't changed as much as some would like to suggest. Though the vibe has. Atleast IMO. I just find that I do not enjoy the negative drama and have found it much more fun to minimize that noise in all areas of my life.

My birthday just passed and I had considered doing my normal happy hour open invite that I typically do every year. I reconsidered this year and decided to spend time with some gents one on one. Dinner, movies or something along those lines.
(GM, look for my pm to come soon )

I wish all the ladies moving onto other ventures the best of luck. At some point a lot of us will move on. So cherish the ladies while you have them.

CK, you know I'm in to bid farewell so let me know the details when available.