Should you just walk away?

How many times have you walked into a room and said, "damn, this is not what I was sold?". In situations like that, what do you normally do? Do you try to have a good time, or just walk out the door?

In the past I have been really generous and felt bad for the less attractive girls, but at a certain point, you have to stand up for yourself and just cut your losses and stop being a chump. How do you guys handle this?

It sucks because they usually stand behind the door, so after you walk in, its kinda too late... or is it?
GentleGiant2467's Avatar
How many times have you walked into a room and said, "damn, this is not what I was sold?". In situations like that, what do you normally do? Do you try to have a good time, or just walk out the door?

In the past I have been really generous and felt bad for the less attractive girls, but at a certain point, you have to stand up for yourself and just cut your losses and stop being a chump. How do you guys handle this?

It sucks because they usually stand behind the door, so after you walk in, its kinda too late... or is it? Originally Posted by CHARDHAR
Since I've been a member of the board all of my initial meets have been great. When I was trolling BP for dates I had the occasions where the pics you've seen online wasn't the person standing in front of you, In those instances I leave 20 bucks on the table and tell the lady I've changed my mind and leave...

The 20 bucks is optional, but if you're not feeling it, just leave
I have only had to walk away once and I have never regretted it.
You simply say I am sorry this is not what I was looking for and tell them that you have too leave. Just be nice about it though.
Going back to late 80's (I know, like OMG!) I have only walked twice, and wished I'd walked once more. The two times I walked I left a $50 tip and said "Something came up, gotta go." When it isn't right, it isn't right. Get out as quickly and cleanly as possible. And try to keep yourself out of those kinds of situations in the first place!
Never happened to me. Good advice here, tho.

The stunned look on your face should tip her off that it's time to update her pics and that she won't be getting away with it much longer.

Providing you guys let us know, that is.
Now don't start that shit up in here! There's a thread for that!

I, for one, will call a spade a spade (no that wasn't a racist comment) when required.
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
it never happens to me ( i am lying through my teeth) run forrest run no pay just run
Geeman76's Avatar
Turn around and run
PleaseSmile4Me's Avatar
A few years back when I got into hobbying, and before I knew about ECCIE, I would use BP as my source. BP is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are going to get. Biggest concern I had was getting busted, the second concern was the girl using fake pics.

On many occasions I was disappointed by the physical attributes of the provider. I felt like a sucker going into a room to find out the provider had use fake pics. I should have walked away, but I didn't want to be ungentlemanly so I stayed. In hindsight, I should have just walked out.

Now, if the provider's ad doesn't match up with her IRL. I would be honest with her, leave a small cancellation fee (15%) and politely exit.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
I have done it a couple of times, once because the pics were WAY out of date, if they were her at all and the other time was when she tried to upsell me immediately. I just said I left my wallet in the car and left.