Ladies, found something that might interest you.....

redman1501's Avatar
I found out that this martial arts studio does a free trial class and I thought of you ladies. I figured that if any awful bastard tried anything shady you'd hopefully be a little bit safer and they'd be a lot more injured!

By the way, this is the martial art that the Israeli military uses and it's bad ass!
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Thanks. I might look into this....
Oh wow! That's awesome! Thanks!
OldGrump's Avatar
Thanks Redman. Learning self defense with the tools you have readily available (your body) would be a good skill to have.

I have a Chinese friend who is competent in that form of martial arts. It is a bit intimidating to be with a young lady I would love to be intimate with but knowing she thinks of me as a good friend and can whip my ass if I step out of line.
I have friends that do Krav Maga. They love it.
That's what my taser is for!! But martial arts sounds fun too! Hii-yah!!
CaesarC's Avatar
Krav maga is no joke. Get after it.
How thoughtful of you! Thanks for sharing this.
redman1501's Avatar
Glad to share anything that can help y'all out or keep y'all safe! C:
If any ladies are truly interested in this. I would be happy to offer free lessons to any one wanting to protect themselves.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
If any ladies want to go as a group let me know
That would be great. I actually teach martial arts for a living. Depending on the times my wife will be there also to help.
bojulay's Avatar
eye gouge, throat punch, head butt to the face, groin kick, elbow to the face,
learning how to break free from a hold.

That other Bruce Lee stuff is for the movies, the physically superior, or the highly trained.
Joni HappyMassage's Avatar
Green belt in tkd! It's great fitness and defense both!! Amazing how it works the core to kick !
I teach Brazilian Jiu Jitsu specifically. Great system based on leverage.