the rumors of my death are a bit premature

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Some nimcompoops have celebrated on this site about the death of the Tea Party. Some of us have pointed out that the Tea Party is still active and more interested in local politics...

Tea Party candidate beats old time, moderate Republican!

Dick Lugar (r) a long time fixture fixture in Washington DC, who played too close Barack Obama, lost his primary bid for a new term. His opponent, Richard Mourdock, is supported by the Indiana Tea Party.

I guess we know who was right all along.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-09-2012, 12:03 PM
Some nimcompoops have celebrated on this site about the death of the Tea Party. Some of us have pointed out that the Tea Party is still active and more interested in local politics...

Tea Party candidate beats old time, moderate Republican!

Dick Lugar (r) a long time fixture fixture in Washington DC, who played too close Barack Obama, lost his primary bid for a new term. His opponent, Richard Mourdock, is supported by the Indiana Tea Party.

I guess we know who was right all along. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Have you ever heard of Sharon Engle? That seat now has a chance to go to the Dems, you nimcompoop.

Evidently long term thinking is beyond you. Though I like your choices in women!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Double stupid on you. Sharron Angle and the seat was already in the hands of democrats (Harry Reid).
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Quietly going about our business.

Anyone been to Vegas lately?
What did Harry's but buddy say about going to Vegas?
I wonder how many of those union members that voted for Reid are back to work.
Almost no construction jobs and they were all union.

I have always said it will not happen overnight but will be in increments and this is just another step in the correct direction.
Some nimcompoops have celebrated on this site about the death of the Tea Party. Some of us have pointed out that the Tea Party is still active and more interested in local politics...

Tea Party candidate beats old time, moderate Republican!

Dick Lugar (r) a long time fixture fixture in Washington DC, who played too close Barack Obama, lost his primary bid for a new term. His opponent, Richard Mourdock, is supported by the Indiana Tea Party.

I guess we know who was right all along. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
right here is one of the reasons I left the GOP it ain't anymore.the baggers and others are displacing anyone who is willing to cross the isle,and work with the other side for the good of the country.Congrats on gridlock.I am glad you have finally entrenched yourself with these fools.Remember your new motto PARTY FIRST PEOPLE SECOND
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-09-2012, 09:18 PM
Some nimcompoops have celebrated on this site about the death of the Tea Party. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The tea party will never die. Stupidity and greed are eternal.
BigLouie's Avatar
Some nimcompoops have celebrated on this site about the death of the Tea Party. Some of us have pointed out that the Tea Party is still active and more interested in local politics...I guess we know who was right all along. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What you are not mentioning is that it is widely known that most of the tea party members of congress totally junked their party line as soon as they got to Congress and have been stuffing their pockets with lobbyist cash and toeing the lobbyist line.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Its not mentioned because it's not true. You can type it as fast or as long as you want but that doesn't change reality Louise. Kind of like your sex change surgery.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
OldT, I can see you do not have a clue about anyone that is a part of the TEA party.

The greed is in the form of government wanting more and more to support their largess and the stupidity is the people that support an ever growing and controlling government.
BigLouie's Avatar
Tea Party Accept Cash

Read this story about how Tea Party congressmen have joined "The Dark Side"
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-10-2012, 06:58 AM
OldT, I can see you do not have a clue about anyone that is a part of the TEA party.

The greed is in the form of government wanting more and more to support their largess and the stupidity is the people that support an ever growing and controlling government. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Actually you are wrong. I know a number of TP elected officials in DC. They have similar traits to ony othergroup of politicians: some are true believers in that cause, at least as many see "the cause" as good propaganda to get themselves elected.

TP congressmen/women "listen" to big contributors. TP members have selective tastes in pork. TP members are all for smaller government--except when it's vital to national security and built in their district.

Wake up; almost every politician thinks "their" pet causes are more vital than "the other guy's" projects. Every one of them wants to cut "the other guy's" entitlement programs but not the ones that are "necessary" for their own constituents.

Too many of you need to get out of the bible belt and cowboy country. Spend some serious time working in the soap opera that is DC. It quickly removes the Polyanna view of your heroes. They are people, just like the "evil" peopl on the other side of the aisle.

I am not pro-liberal or pro-conservative or pro-any-other "ideology". All ends of the political spectrum actually have some elected officials I respect because they do have integrity--and that does make them stand out as different from the norm. But most have sold their souls to one evil or another. The only thing that is different is which devil pays them.

There are a few honest ones. I disagree with much of what Ron Paul says, but as far as I can see he's honest. I admired Heather Wislon as a person, but she never understood the swamp she was swimming in; Pete Domenichi on the other hand (also from New Mexico) was not a nice person but was far more effective as a politician. McCain (though I suspect many on here think he's a Dem in Rep clothing) I think is basicly honorable in his politics. I will be sorry to see Olivia Snow leave because I think she too was there for basicly the right reasons. The left has good and bad as well.

If you really believe the TP politicians are there for the public good you are very easily deceived.
Some nimcompoops have celebrated on this site about the death of the Tea Party. Some of us have pointed out that the Tea Party is still active and more interested in local politics...

Tea Party candidate beats old time, moderate Republican!

Dick Lugar (r) a long time fixture fixture in Washington DC, who played too close Barack Obama, lost his primary bid for a new term. His opponent, Richard Mourdock, is supported by the Indiana Tea Party.

I guess we know who was right all along. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Right about what?

Lugar's defeat had nothing to do with Mourdock being supported by your nutty political "party" (if that's what you think it is) and everything to do with Lugar being too old and serving too long. A "moderate" republican (the horror) would have beaten him too. There was some post-election polling by Repuke pollster Christine Matthews showing that none of the 5 talking points of the teabaggers were listed as a reason why Mourdock supporters voted for him.....and 60% of Repuke primary votes wanted to actually try to solve some of the country's problems, even if it meant working with the democrats to do so.

Let me ask you some do you propose ever getting anything done in local, state or national politics when you advocate electing people who refuse to compromise on anything? Do you understand how crazy you sound when you treat "moderate" like a dirty word? Do you understand how stupid and offensive it is to take the position that I hate America because I'm going to vote for Obama? What is it with the demonization? As vigorously as I disagree with you idiots on almost everything political, it wouldn't occur to me to question your patriotism....I just think you're wrong and stupid....under what circumstances does it become acceptable to say someone hates their country because of which political party they happen to vote with? Taking that position is wrong and destructive. Call me stupid, call me liberal, call me wrong....but don't tell me I don't love my country.
Why are y'all so scared of the Tea party? They are just normal everyday people that don't drink the coolaid.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-10-2012, 12:41 PM
Why are y'all so scared of the Tea party? They are just normal everyday people that don't drink the coolaid. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
No, they are one slice of "normal everyday people" who don't realize that other sane, good people might actually have different priorities and beliefs.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets see 10 out of 55 congressman accepting money from banking concerns. That is significantly less than 20 % which is pretty damn good considering the old timers are about 90%.

Let see how many continue when their support dries up. Did you really think that any thing in politics is 100%? Naive doesn't even begin to cover it.

As for Lugar, he was supported by the Washington establishment until Sarah Palin opposed them. Boy, they couldn't run away fast enough. Tell me another fairy tale about the Tea Party not having an affect.