*sigh*.....really?....My Rebuttle

berkleigh's Avatar
After receiving several pm's and emails and text messages to notify me of this so called bad review or poor recommendation....here is my side of the story.

To the individual who took it amoung himself to challenge me on this obviously didn't recall several very important things that happened in both sessions.

I advise he sit back and recall how it really went down.

Sure he pointed out some flaws but I am by far from perfect.
I can't see BCD so I am not sure what was said nor do I really give a fuck but because I have to protect my reputation then I will post what I gather is a problem with this hobbiyst.

Let's start with the fact this happened in DECEMBER of last year.
Its late Feb...why is he waiting til now to post this?
If I wasn't so "awesome" then why sit on it for 2 and half months????

So he doesn't recommend me? Well LADIES I DON'T RECOMMEND HIM.....

The first appt happened last summer and he had scheduled an appt the same day prior to meeting with me. I guess he was one of those who decided to bounce around from provider to provider and see how many times he could get his rocks off that day.
The provider he saw prior to me I know her outside the hobby so when I called her for the reference she seemed shocked as well that he was seeing us both back to back the same day.
The fact is she and I were running weekend specials...so he is just cheap. IMHO


So I am assuming he was searching for deals...again whatever.
For our first meeting I believe I was on time.
Although I am usually late...my time management is off will always be off. I run late.

I tried to talk to him prior to engaging in any activity but he is one of those boring individuals who has no personality what so ever or any life experiences to speak of so basicly it was timeto just get down to business.


Knowing he had just came from the last provider, I offered a shower.
He declined.
Hoping he showered there at her incall prior to visiting me.....
....I highly doubt it.
I noticed he had a few scratches
....how I managed to dodge them probably let to me being stand off-ish.
I think I literally sucked him dry and tried every position until I went dry from the friction of the protection.
He got off in the appointment prior to me and he WAS NOT going to get off with me.

NOT MY PROBLEM. I tried. And the minute the hobby starts to become difficult its not fun anymore.

I did feel bad as that rarely ever happens but told him if I saw him again I would hope we would be able to click better.

So upon contacting me again several months later...he booked a super late appointment and I actually did come in from being in Austin that day.

I had a dealer car that I had an issue with as my rental was being serviced.
And yes I was late. But he waited as I had explained the incall had been prepaid and he could stay longer that I would make it up to him. I would make it up in time but no discount only service.

He told me he was drinking waiting on me.

I made him shower with me this time.

I should have turned him away but based on the fact he had waited and the first session we didn't click, I was a trooper and TOOK ONE FOR THE TEAM.

We were in a 4 star upscale hotel so you know if it was from my personal incall he would have been required to buy another or replace it.

The same thing happened.
Every position...every hole but the starfish but this guy was not gonna get off.

Was it the alcohol? Was he tired from waiting?

I don't care by this time. He did stay past 3am.
It wasn't gonna happen.
He has contacted me but our scheduled haven't meshed.
I believe I've even given a reference or two...

But this was the real story.

I can't always be the same in every session with every client.

What one reads in a review another will experience different, better or worse.

I am not perfect and can only spread myself so thin thru all of the cities I travel.
Its known I do my best to maintain myself and my fun girl experience.

Its also known I suffered a real life tradegy in september.
I've been on depression medication for it.
My attitude has also been shitty on here do to the amount of idiots I deal with daily who can't read an ad.

so I will quote a good friend..."this is the hobby, its meant to be fun....if your not having fun...find a new hobby"

I am paid to provide a service not deal with bullshit of which I am sure several others will agree they have endured.
Damn, with an attitude like this, it's not hard to see why he didn't recommend you. For start to finish, you showed a lack of class in your post. From your post it does not sound like he posted any inaccuracies about your session. There was no rebuttal of any information. Just a string of insults.

And if you have such a big problem with guys who book your specials, do not offer them.
CowboyTy, she is upset because someone said some hurtful things about her. Surely you can understand that. I assure you, since you probably don't know seeing as how your handle is only days old, that Berk is one of the most awesome and well-liked ladies on this board. Almost no one dislikes her. Try not to judge her too harshly because of her blunt honesty here. Do some research and I'm sure you'll find she's an awesome chica.

Berk, I'm sorry about your troubles and I'm sure it won't affect your biz at all. You and I both know you're a rock star, and I've never even met you (that I can remember. If we have, I was drinking, so don't hold it against me :P).
You are right, I'm new but I know rude behavior when I see it. The worst thing I saw is that he said she had a big booty. That is a good thing for a lot of people.
Horsemancummeth's Avatar
CowboyTY, dont let your quarter mouth overload your nickle butt. You have been on here a total of what 6 or 7 days.If you knew anything at all about Berk you would retract your statement.And if you had actually read what she said you would see how much of a fool you have just made of yourself.
. For her to even see him once tells me she is all about taking care of the customer.Lets see you and not be upset and write a scathing post about it. Why dont you try to walk in these ladies shoes for a day. Yes, Berk is far from perfect and does have an attitude.But it is an attitude that we have come to expect and those of us who have read her post know how she comes off.She will not take shit from anyone and isnt afraid to say what is on her mind.
When you have a few meanigfull post and reviews and have actually contributed to the board in a positive manner then people might respect what you say.Untill then I would sit back and educate myself on the people here and the hobbie before I mouth off. Remember, better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as a fool then to open it and prove it.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I don't think she has an attitude at all. Berkleigh is as straight forward as they come. A no nonsense woman who actually has a backbone and doesn't take crap from anyone. There is no way in hell I could have gone through what she did. I almost threw up in my mouth just thinking about it. Makes you wonder if some of us take for granted the ladies ability to put things out of there mind.

No way could I have done that if the roles were reversed! I don't care if I was getting compensated.
TonyStark's Avatar
CowboyTY, dont let your quarter mouth overload your nickle butt. You have been on here a total of what 6 or 7 days.If you knew anything at all about Berk you would retract your statement.And if you had actually read what she said you would see how much of a fool you have just made of yourself.
I am almost sick at my stomach from reading . For her to even see him once tells me she is all about taking care of the customer.Lets see you go see a ladie not be upset and write a scathing post about it. Why dont you try to walk in these ladies shoes for a day. Yes, Berk is far from perfect and does have an attitude.But it is an attitude that we have come to expect and those of us who have read her post know how she comes off.She will not take shit from anyone and isnt afraid to say what is on her mind.
When you have a few meanigfull post and reviews and have actually contributed to the board in a positive manner then people might respect what you say.Untill then I would sit back and educate myself on the people here and the hobbie before I mouth off. Remember, better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as a fool then to open it and prove it. Originally Posted by Horsemancummeth

What he said!
She revealed personal information on his job. Not cool. She acted him for using the special SHE offered. She attacked one of the most noble professions. She proudly states that she's always late.

If there was something about him she didn't like, she could have politely returned his money and declined to go through with two appointments.

I am new and didnt realized that guys weren't suppose to post truthful reviews.

How long do I need to be a member before I can object to a lady viciously attacking a client.
daddyo67's Avatar
When you are voting age sonny!

Some people will just never learn...
sixxbach's Avatar
She revealed personal information on his job. Not cool. She acted him for using the special SHE offered. She attacked one of the most noble professions. She proudly states that she's always late.

If there was something about him she didn't like, she could have politely returned his money and declined to go through with two appointments.

I am new and didnt realized that guys weren't suppose to post truthful reviews.

How long do I need to be a member before I can object to a lady viciously attacking a client. Originally Posted by CowboyTy
You don't have to wait long at all. The board is full of WK's as you can see. Kudos to you for stating your opinion. This provider is full of drama and she never fails to show it. She is wrong for talking about his line of work. She shouldn't judge someone on their line of work especially being a provider. I am sure she would not want someone judging her. She also seems to always make excuses b/c of meds. It bites to hear that she will be in Austin often...

trynagetlaid's Avatar
Berkleigh has 37 yes reviews, 1 no, and 1 not my type. What's the purpose of this threAD?
The one thing you will find on this site Cowboy, is know it alls, hobbist who think providers are in love with them, and NONE STOP DRAMA FROM PROVIDERS, and i do apoligize to the providers who actually provide and have no drama. These are the providers who have no complaints against them and don't post on here, only the ad's, the one thing to be more successful on this site is don't give a shit about what anybody has to say
PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 02-20-2011, 05:31 PM
You don't have to wait long at all. The board is full of WK's as you can see. Kudos to you for stating your opinion. This provider is full of drama and she never fails to show it. She is wrong for talking about his line of work. She shouldn't judge someone on their line of work especially being a provider. I am sure she would not want someone judging her. She also seems to always make excuses b/c of meds. It bites to hear that she will be in Austin often...

Sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
+1...No class whatsoever...but damn she is hot!
daddyo67's Avatar
oh you kids and your list! who gives a rats ***?