Question about 2 hour minimum appointments

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Recently I have had more requests for 2 hour appointments then I have had for 1 hour appointments and was thinking of changing to a 2 hour minimum. I wanted to get your thoughts on 2 hour minimum appointments.

Are 2 hour minimums something you guys are okay with?
It seems to me that the key factor is the financial status of the majority of your clients.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-09-2012, 07:06 PM
If I were rich I still wouldn't do 2 hours, 1 is more than enough. I don't need to probe your innermost and deepest thoughts on world events, I just want to get laid.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
After having seen many gentlemen over the last 5 years in minimum 2-hour increments, I recently started offering a 1-hour visit to ECCIE and P411 gents only. I thought it might be a good idea with the economy the way it is, and perhaps also encourage fellows who may not have called me before because they were short on time, or thought that they couldn't use up that much time. (Although I've never had a problem keeping a man entertained for 2, 3, 4, or more hours.)

I started advertising the 1-hour session in May. FWIW, Brooke, only 3 guys have taken me up on it. All the rest have continued reserving the longer appointments, but still, that's 3 I might not have booked otherwise.

I think, since you have been offering a 1-hour session all along, that perhaps you might wish to continue. Your gentleman callers are used to that being available if they desire it, and do you really want to take an option away from them right now? Also, the trend of 2-hour requests you've had lately may change, especially closer to the holidays when money is tighter, and you might have to back peddle down to 1 hour again. Too much back and forth on rates has a negative impact.

Giving fellows different choices has a higher likelihood of attracting a wider, continuing clientele, or so I've been telling myself, anyway. So far, my adding a 1-hour Fancy package hasn't seemed to have made much difference, but realistically I haven't been doing it long enough yet to gauge the long-term results.

Good thread. Could be very enlightening.

Russ38's Avatar
It seems to me that the key factor is the financial status of the majority of your clients. Originally Posted by Owlman
Or for some...not so much financial, but my daily schedule, 2 hrs is a lot to break away from....also though with that being said....I wouldn't pay 2hrs for a 1 hr session if that's all I had time for.
whitechocolate's Avatar
If you have the time and the money and have already seen the provider and need that much time for whatever reason to feel truly satisfied on your "date", then I think it is great. I personally would prefer a very intensive shorter session in almost all cases although if she is truly hotttt and fun to be with, I would not mind just hanging with her and having non-bcd fun. If you are talking about an erotic FBSM session, the shorter the better for me.
Russ38's Avatar
I just want to get laid. Originally Posted by trey
Well said....I'm lucky to squeeze in a half to full hr in my daily routine.... however, the shorter increments is what allows me to do it 2-3 times a week......Although on the other hand, when I hobby with my SO, we always book 2-3 hr appts so should be offered but not mandatory......fuck, no wonder I'm so tired.
CarolinaGent's Avatar
I like 2hr sessions, but I always start out booking just an hour for the first time. If they are firm about a 2hr minimum even for the first visit, I will move on to someone else
willdooit's Avatar
for new clients 2 hours may be much. You need to leave the 1hour option.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
If I were rich I still wouldn't do 2 hours, 1 is more than enough. I don't need to probe your innermost and deepest thoughts on world events, I just want to get laid. Originally Posted by trey
Dude... You've never fucked a chick for more than an hour?! Really?!
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-09-2012, 11:29 PM
That cuts
Dude... You've never fucked a chick for more than an hour?! Really?! Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Of course I have. Most of the guys paying for 2 hours are not fucking for a straight two hours they talk and bull shit, read my Sig line. With me I don't do daty and I don't care about a bj so that lasts five mins. This cuts the time I need drastically
ZedX79's Avatar
One pump chump here. I plow and blow my load, I'm dressed and out the door shortly after. Why would I need two hours. Pass.
I enjoy 1/2 hour to multi hour appointments. It all depends on what I'm in the mood for and my availability. I generally avoid women who require multi hour appointments. If they are that inflexible about the time what else might they be inflexible about? I've found flexibility generally translates into fun. I'm also hesitant to see a lady for 2 hours on a first appointment. If the chemistry isn't there, even a half hour can be too long. If your favorite cut of meat is an 8 ounce filet would you go to a restaurant that only served 16 ounce t bones, even if you liked t bones once and a while?
sharkman29's Avatar
I hate the two hour minimum! It's hard enough for me to sneak off for an hour, much less 2. And it's usually more than I want to pay.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 07-10-2012, 06:45 AM
I rarely have that long to sneak away. Plus I'm a one-n-done guy, so reading a 2 hour minimum will always cause me to "click" to the next one.