Mayala03...time waster and cheap! Calling it like I see it. Ladies please beware!

I was contacted by this guy and did all the ref checks. He booked an overnight for this week and I gave him a very good deal. Reached out today, just a gut feeling, to confirm for tmrw. And after over an hour of texting, he cancels! And what it all came down to....he can't drive so I offered to pick him up and take him home. Its about 3 hours driving total. I gave him a price. He counters with wanting to check Uber. I say ok. And also offer if Uber doesn't work, we can just include the travel time as part of our 10 hour session.
Basically he didn't want to reduce his time OR pay any extra for travel. This is all AFTER I turned down another offer for the same night.
So while he did apologize, I still wanted to let folks know not to waste their time or turn down good $$ for someone who flakes cuz he can't get more 'bang for his buck!'
Im not trying to be rude or unreasonable, but it sure messes things up when guys are so classless and rude about respecting time and commitments.
All that I have said here, I have conveyed to him as well and I did let him know I was posting an alert to the ladies and one on the public thread as well. Rude behavior gets called out in my book and I stand on my reputation as being very respectful of time and need for discretion.

His handle: mayala03
His phone: 915-***-*336
First name starts with M
If for whatever years you are organizing your appointments in this manner, with this poor result, so why don't you change your approach rather than exposing this client on eccie? Don't get angry because it did not work out for you. You can not expect a different outcome, if you continue to act in the same manner. If I were to schedule appointments for clients for services in the future, I would do as others, with whom I have had appointments: 1. First you pay. 2. Schedule your appointment. 3. No show up? Bad luck, no refund! It's what many I know do. I pay you the same day we scheduled the appointment. No back and forward texting, no losing time. In my point of view, you yourself create the opportunity for this to happen.
While I appreciate your suggestions, this was more informational than anything. I suppose it's mostly due to this being how we let folks know when someone is being disrespectful in the town where I play primarily, it's drastically reduced stuff like this happening on Both the provider and the hobbyist side.
I'm not angry, not many have that kind of power in my life lol. However, this is also how I Do handle my business, as I was actually trying to Help this person stay within their budget and still spend quality time together . I felt it worth letting others know so they can save time and energy

And I rarely ask for advance payments, as I DO understand that legit things happen that are beyond control. I have not met any ladies, and few gents, who practice this form of payment.

"1. First you pay. 2. Schedule your appointment."

In 20 years of playing this game, I have never heard of this.

Payment is due at the time of service, most times after completion of services. In my experience. Require full payment: With this option, clients are required to pay in full when booking an appointment.
Emily3292's Avatar
I've actually seen him many times. While we did have some trouble scheduling the first time he's been nothing but respectful since. And made up for the issue with tips and gifts. I believe this may have just been a miscommunication. He has always paid for our sessions a day (sometimes several) in advance. I agree with posting any issues in the info share but not so much in Co ed. But everyone does everything a little different. I hope you give him another chance
john_deere's Avatar

anybody who pays in full at the time of booking is an idiot. they deserve to lose their money.

anybody who pays in full at the time of booking is an idiot. they deserve to lose their money. Originally Posted by john_deere
I would actually have to agree on this one . There have just been way too many instances of robbery and things like that. It's sad that people do that to one another. But it is also a reality. So no, I don't ask for $ up front .... the exception being if I'm travelling several hours or more for an extended visit, and those are details I work out individually.

And I don't post threads calling out every time a cancellation or ncns happens....that is just part of being in this business. I posted this situation because of the amount of time wasted and the attitude of basically wanting more time for less $. It was rude and I called him on it.
I will be the first to admit I was in the wrong and apologize again to you Ms.MajicMouth for time and energy wasted. Much like Emily said about second chances, if I was ever given one I'd without question do things differently and be cognizant of all parties involved. That is all...Thank You
westtexasbrowser's Avatar
JESUS! MMM and an overnight appointment? I don't think I'd survive past 4am LOL!
quick draw mc graw's Avatar
I know I wouldn't

I would tap out 2 hours into the session
john_deere's Avatar
negotiating with hookers.

that's how amateurs do it.

Second chances on both sides...that's how PEOPLE do it . Looking forward to a very FUN night