Ways not to get arrested

  • 1+1
  • 10-23-2016, 06:05 AM
Good video...thanks for sharing.
tornado82's Avatar
Another way would be to pull a "Donald Trump" as soon as you enter the room.
121270's Avatar
I read that they can arrest you for any form of solicitation. They might not be able to convict you but in that situation with a choice of paying a fine and keeping your name safe most men will pay and get out of there. I seen it on the show cops a long time ago. The woman cop went up to cars quoting prices and favors total entrapment.
  • Hojo
  • 10-23-2016, 05:06 PM
The popo can always find a reason to arrest you. (Emphasis on arrest not convict) Best advice is to just shut up.
  • 1+1
  • 10-23-2016, 10:17 PM
I would think that an adequate attorney would have access to the proof or lack of it through taped videos of some kind.The most profound things I have heard through the years is that most people just buckle to the charges and go to court without representation.They plea guilty most of time and the police know this tactic.Most people don't have the money to hire an attorney or they are brain washed by police during the arrest that they have no chance of winning.A vicious cycle of mentally breaking down the man or woman that is involved.A Lawyer has the right to motion for a dismiss the case if the Officers don't produce any videos.Either way it goes,most people don't have the money for any legal help.The problem with police officer is they think they are Attorneys and they aren't.
I would have walked out. "I need to get paid" - "I'm sorry, there must be some misunderstanding."


First thing I do is a hug/peck kiss and then ask if I can take a shower -

I put the donation out of my pocket on the table, undress and get in the shower.

Or I ask her to get comfortable, and ask if I can get comfortable.

Once we are both naked and the money was placed on the counter (and is now presumably gone once I return from the bathroom)... then I still don't discuss services.

I'll approach, hug/kiss whatever. No cop will let it get that far.

If I come out of the bathroom and she was fully dressed, I'd be like "I though you were going to get comfortable" and then get dressed and leave.

All that said - they can STILL arrest you. Say nothing. They WILL lie about what you said anyway and pretend there is no video. Very few people will under go the embarrassment in court and/or the expense of a lawyer so they win.

The only 100% way is to NOT do this. The next best thing is to see verified ladies, who run their business well - low volume/no drama for the hotel, etc.

The unknown is always a risk.

Although this type of sting is bad, I've seen worse here locally. "She" will meet you in the hotel bar or such and say she has her period but she has a "younger sister" or suggest somehow about a young girl. RUN DO NOT WALK.

Tell her that is DISGUSTING and you do NOT want to even have a conversation with any woman under the age of 20!

Once they wrap you up in under age - you are facing a total loss of everything. You will be a registered sex offender. You will go to jail. It will be on the news. Your wife will know. Your kids will know. Your boss will know - and the customers of your boss' business will know..... that is the end of times.

I'm on the backside of life. If I see a girl walking down the street - I can't really tell if they are in high school, are college age, possibly early 20's. I avoid ANY girl who looks like shes' not 30, unless she is VERIFIED. That is why ID"s get checked....

stay safe everyone!