The Most Amazing Hobby Date Ever

  • pxmcc
  • 03-17-2019, 05:53 PM
So Saturday night-well bleeding into today (haven't been to sleep yet)-I had my most amazing hobby date ever...

So why don't ya'll share some of your personal most amazing hobby dates ever, and after i read a couple of ya'll's, i'll tell you a little bit about mine..

Fyi: this is a zero troll thread. anyone who trolls any legit participant in this thread will hopefully get a quick ban hammer. if you dont have anything nice or contributory to say, just zip it, or start your own troll thread, and see how that works out for you.
Too bad you don't get a say so on who gets banned LOL... Since you mentioned it in your post, It's on topic !

But, Hope you get some sleep.. they say there are many bad side effects from lack of sleep! Maybe this post is one of them!

  • pxmcc
  • 03-17-2019, 06:03 PM
Ok Jess can we keep this on topic? the topic is Your Most Amazing Hobby Session Ever. Just to be clear, points and bans and how to solve the problem of trolling on this site are not the topic of this thread. If you want to start a thread on those topics, please do so.

And no this thread is not the product of a lack of sleep. it has a subject matter that may be of interest to some people in the hobby community, and is only directed to such people. it also uses a well-established journalistic technique of using a teaser, which has forced me to read several 10,000+ word essays in the NY Times, for example, just so i can find out what happened. (the bastards..) any more questions on the designated subject matter and scope of this particular thread?
I did keep it on topic, banning.. You mentioned your lack of sleep. Well that you have been up since Saturday...

But, Im just messing with YOU ! LOL... Just a word of advise, when you want a post to be geared towards Amazing Hobby Sessions, leave the other crap out of your post. Your just asking for everything you made a point to mention....

On that note ! Happy Sunday Funday !
  • pxmcc
  • 03-17-2019, 06:20 PM
fair enough Jess. i hope you're having a great Sunday. i get off work at 11:40 and hope to grab some shuteye then. appreciate your concern.

my philosophy is if you're going to lose sleep, make sure it is for a good cause. i still have my date's scent all over my face. damn she still smells sexy af..
It is okay, over shadowed by the murder of a friend & her 2 year old... besides that, It's a Sunday!
My post is on point pm. I really don't think but maybe 3....wait...Now two....would be interested in your date to much.
But if you had fun maybe you should have done a review.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-17-2019, 07:01 PM
My post is on point pm. I really don't think but maybe 3....wait...Now two....would be interested in your date to much.
But if you had fun maybe you should have done a review. Originally Posted by tbone2u
well if my post falls short, maybe some of our fellow hobbyists and providers can make up for the shortfall with interesting stories of their own Most Amazing Hobby Dates Ever. it takes a village, right..

as to the review, if i posted the "donation" and "session length," right off the bat, some hobbyists would get mad at me. (what's worse than reading, "1 hr. but went way over"..) ya kinda need to hear the backstory. but i grant you that many may find such a narrative uninteresting. no worries, nothing to see here for such people..
USAsoldier's Avatar
Martell- She was/is amazing. Oh what a hot erotic time that delicious ebony woman gave me, twice! Damn wish she was still in the hobby world.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-17-2019, 08:08 PM
Martell- She was/is amazing. Oh what a hot erotic time that delicious ebony woman gave me, twice! Damn wish she was still in the hobby world. Originally Posted by USAsoldier
yup Martell was a treat. i did one memorable session with her that started with an impressive bbj that just kept going and going, til i was gone..

that was a first for me, though Lacey London repeated that command performance..
Long, long ago I visited a provider for the first time. When I arrived she offered doubles for the original donation. She was in a new relationship with a barely legal teen and the new lover wanted to try her first threesome, two bi F's and me. Provider was very outgoing. Rookie was extremely shy. The provider and I both focused on making it a session to remember for the rookie. It was also my first threesome.
Long, long ago I visited a provider for the first time. When I arrived she offered doubles for the original donation. She was in a new relationship with a barely legal teen and the new lover wanted to try her first threesome, two bi F's and me. Provider was very outgoing. Rookie was extremely shy. The provider and I both focused on making it a session to remember for the rookie. It was also my first threesome. Originally Posted by frogdog
Haha.. That's awesome. I'm Bi but I don't bring my personal adventures over into this world !! My last encounter with a couple, the wife ended up freaking out. That pretty much ended my outlook/booking couple's. That poor guy LOL !!
But, I have quite a few awesome stories along those lines !!
  • pxmcc
  • 03-18-2019, 02:20 AM
Part the 1st

So, Saturday night, I hop on the breakfast of champions-Escort Alligator aka MegaPersonals aka List Crawler-and I find this ad for this unbelievably hot pornstar. ya foooking right, sure hot pornstars are advertising on ListCrawler. probably 30$/hr. too, huh..

but this chick lists websites, links, the whole shebang. so i'm like, give me 30 seconds, and i'll be ready to post my usual sarcastic post suited for such occasions:

"she legit.
bahahahahahaha you foooking retards. grow a goddam cortex you fools."

well 30 seconds later, i matched her pics and her foooking number. ok, i'm still skeptical as fook, and I start crosslinking pornhub vids with websites. holy crap, this shit is crosschecking and crosslinking like an angry mofo. i'm confident enough to risk my credibility with a post confirming that the person posting the ad is the same gal in the pics who is the same gal who is a legit grade-A pornstar: "Pics checked out." my ass was already hanging far out enough i didn't mention that i thought this chick was a legit grade-A pornstar. ya, foook that..

So then I'm thinking, ok i've seen this reel before. I've seen pornstars post on Eccie-Kat someone or other as an example-for like 700$/hr. I appreciate unique exemplars of the female form, and what amazing pussies said exemplars might bring to a hobby session, but i'll be damned if i'm gonna drop 7/10ths of a g on a hot piece of ass, no matter how hot she might be. sorry all you hd hotties. nothing personal. what i notice is after every session, my johnson has the distinct scent of a woman on it, whether she was a civvie, a pro at 120/hr, or a pro at $300/hr. so nope, i aint doing the 700/hr thing, i don't give a foook if your name is Priya Rai. hode up, dawg. i might make an exception for Priya Rai, but that's where I draw the foooking line in the sand..

so i shoot this gal a text.

"sweety i was ready to call bs on your ad, but umm it looks like you are who you say you are. but you probably are looking for Donald Trump-like clients. well not actually Donald Trump or even anything in that genus or species-swamp creature from the black lagoon and whatnot and whathaveyou-but you catch my drift. you're totally out of reach of the Common Man, despite any ballyhooed and much overrated Fanfare, such as it is. a.i.r.?"

and i get back: "lolololololololololol."

ok, at least she's got a sense a humor. who knows how this affair might end. maybe i'll get to pretend i'm a pornstar for at least a half hour, or if i'm really lucky, maybe a full hour. well i'm always up for a good gamble. hell, i'd bet my house on a nut flush if i smelled blood in the water, and if i lost the hand, oh well. shit happens. at least i didn't drop 700 on some pussy, so though a sorry homeless fuck living under a bridge, i'd hode up my head pretty high, despite the hole bridgy clusterfoooking thingy..

totally off topic-point me if you have to-but Bear Grylls should do a version of Going Wild-Living Under a Highway Bridge-edition, dontcha think..
Im so "foooooking " tired of this dude. I mean, we all know it's 3 (at least) of the "fooooking" same. So, I guess your ManDangNoooooGoooo … didn't go as you attempted to posted earlier from your other handle. Another failed attempt to hijack a thread … LOL.

Someone take the wheel !

So much for non insulting, race baiting ! Fooooking SPoooopooo strikes again !

This will defiantly be a early am spammer/read!

The fact that he stated he hasn't been to sleep since, what Friday... someone log him out of all 3-4 accounts please LOL !!

Btw, nobody has to pm me and ask if I hit the rtm button and should they !! Handle your business asap !
  • pxmcc
  • 03-18-2019, 03:13 AM
^^Jess, go plead with the mods not to ban you, but I doubt it will matter. I'm not even kidding. One day you have a nervous breakdown on one of my threads, and the next, I don't even know. You need help. Please get some. You didn't notice I was trying to bring you back to reality nicely? Oh my.

And by the way, get the fuck off my thread. Go start your own, and say whatever the fuck you want about me in it. If you don't get banned, you certaintly have made a strong case that a Supreme Directive is the only way you'll get the message. I have already discussed my concerns prior to your latest post with a Mod, and I was really hoping you'd get the message. Unfortunately, you did not.

Furthermore, if you think Shinepro and pxmcc are the same person, I'm not going to say what that clearly implies about where you're at in the reality game.

Shine may suffer your trolling, I will not. I'm an Irish streetfighter, Shine is an African American gentleman who is far more genteel than I could ever be in any universe.

Honestly, I think you're overdue for a timeout. Get a grip. Can someone please tell me what Champagne Brown did that could possibly be more ban-worthy than what Jess continues to do on a daily basis? This is really bad and really sad that Jess is unable to get a grip; Jess I was hoping for better from you. You disappointed me. I am sorely disappointed, and I will not continue this thread until a Supreme Directive has been issued or you've been banned. You clearly have issues in the "plays well with others category." Sad. Fucking sad.